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How can We Solve World Hunger?

Michael Pollick
Updated: May 23, 2024
Views: 144,967

While the quest to solve world hunger permanently may be considered a pipe dream, there are things individuals and governments can do to address the current world hunger problem. Because the world has a finite amount of farmable land and a seemingly infinite new supply of inhabitants who will need to eat, solving world hunger often seems like an insurmountable challenge. However, new food technologies and improvements in the political climate can go a long way towards ending mass starvation and famine.

One way to eliminate world hunger would be to develop new ways to grow food on a worldwide scale. Many people today live in areas of the world which were never capable of producing sufficient food crops or are nearly impossible to irrigate. Some arable land remains underused because it is under the control of rogue governments or is currently too inaccessible for farming. By developing new methods for maximizing crop growth on substandard land, inhabitants can grow enough food to meet their needs.

Another way to solve world hunger would be to improve the food distribution infrastructure. A number of first-world countries have massive surpluses of staple crops and grains, especially wheat, rice and corn. These stockpiles are replenished regularly through subsidized farming. The problem is that poorer countries which could benefit from these surpluses are often controlled by hostile governments which either refuse offers of food or essentially hold the food hostage at vital distribution points.

If relief agencies and government services had better means for proper food distribution, the delivery of surplus food to famine-stricken areas would go a long way towards solving the problem of world hunger. Encouraging populations of poorer countries to move closer to sustainable sources of food would also solve world hunger, but this has proven to be difficult for sociological, religious and logistical reasons.

Creating new farming technologies could also help solve world hunger. If food can be grown in large hydroponic farms, for example, there would less strain put on traditional soil farms. Farmers in poorer countries could be trained to rotate their crops in order to keep the soil healthier season after season. Better seeds with higher yields or resistance to insect or weather damage could help farmers grow more usable crops on the same amount of arable land. A renewed emphasis on agriculture as a career could also encourage more young people to start their own farms and produce more food for others.

The problem of world hunger is always going to remain as long as the world population continues to be substantially higher than the amount of food that farmers are able to produce. Large scale efforts to control population growth have proven to be extremely unpopular and nearly impossible to enforce. Many organizations such as UNICEF have dedicated themselves to the eradication of world hunger and famine, but the only way to eliminate hunger permanently would involve the unified efforts of thousands of agricultural experts and significant amounts of money and material support from hundreds of world leaders.

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Michael Pollick
By Michael Pollick
As a frequent contributor to CulturalWorld.org, Michael Pollick uses his passion for research and writing to cover a wide range of topics. His curiosity drives him to study subjects in-depth, resulting in informative and engaging articles. Prior to becoming a professional writer, Michael honed his skills as an English tutor, poet, voice-over artist, and DJ.
Discussion Comments
By anon991416 — On Jun 19, 2015

I feel really sorry for those who are starving. The government are not really doing anything. If I had a good job I would donate a good amount of money to help those unfortunate ones. May God bless them!

By anon988978 — On Feb 15, 2015

It is not that we do not have enough food or even that we cannot afford to feed a bigger population. We make enough food for everyone on this planet, but lack the resources and wisdom to distribute it properly to those in need before the food expires and rots. We don't need to solve world hunger but rather solve the problem of food delivery.

Also, the food aid that is sent to impoverished countries doesn't help, but hurts the country long-term. As the economies of these countries are based largely on agriculture, the food that is supplied at low prices or even for free has to compete with the food that people are growing and selling there. This decreases prices of food (because no one will buy food when its expensive) and hurts the economy of the whole country.

By anon946691 — On Apr 21, 2014

One of the ways to lessen hunger somewhat is to stop food waste. There is too much edible food being thrown away by supermarkets and other places. This food can be given to the hungry and undernourished.

By anon330803 — On Apr 18, 2013

I think world hunger can be solved by getting more jobs into the economy because its not that we have lack of food; it is that we don't have any money.

By anon330438 — On Apr 16, 2013

I would love to be rich and give half or more of my money to any starving human being.

By anon329420 — On Apr 09, 2013

Use portable hydroponic farm systems then ship the water to the farm locations.

By anon326485 — On Mar 22, 2013

Put in more water pumps and grow more crops of your own that all these people need.

By anon309212 — On Dec 15, 2012

I think a lot of governments don't try to prevent hunger. World hunger doesn't end.

By anon298887 — On Oct 22, 2012

Teaching other people how to grow crops and harvest them, will help them develop. Also, teach them things that will help them get jobs. Then they can earn money and help themselves.

By anon268627 — On May 14, 2012

You know this is a very serious subject. Thousands are dying every day and imagine if that was you (food wasters) that you were one of the children who were hungry and not even the fortunate ones out there.

Ask yourself this: Would I throw away any food left? I wouldn't, because that could be the last meal you ever eat!

By anon246337 — On Feb 09, 2012

The people of the world have to be allowed to grow hemp. It provides everything that's needed -- it even replenishes the soil. It is a gift from our creator. It is not a drug so why make it illegal?

It is obvious to me that the powers that be are letting people die for the sake of their own profit. It is an absolute travesty.

By anon242336 — On Jan 23, 2012

Send all the people who are lazy to an island and see how fast they will look for food, and not die of hunger.

By anon236588 — On Dec 24, 2011

Solving world hunger: world wide dictatorship. You need to subjugate people's free will in order to achieve this goal. Take away the rights to live where you want, how many children you can have, and why stop at food resource issues to since you have the government structure in place control energy use, what people can wear, use and consume. As well as what jobs they are allowed to do based on what jobs need doing. Basically "1984" had it right if your looking to solve many of humanity issues.

But I doubt any but the policy makers who live in that world would like it much.

By anon206899 — On Aug 18, 2011

Grains and cereals are distributed in bags that weigh 40, 50, 60 pounds and more. They are too heavy for the starving victims of famine to lift, even one at a time, and are typically delivered to seaports where they fall under the control of the people responsible for the famine. This is crazy!

Call me crazy, but what we could, and should, do, is have our stored grains packaged in very small bags with elementary cooking and eating utensils (made in usa, please) - and water - soft palleted and air dropped from our vast fleet of aircraft. If we make the pallets destruct on impact - like modern car frames - then oppressive forces would not be able to acquire them without hand labor, which they're not interested in. Simplistic? Oh, yeah, sure, but we could start in a week.

By anon174433 — On May 10, 2011

Right now I'm growing a hydroponic garden and it gives off excellent results. I believe that could be the answer to world hunger.

By anon165911 — On Apr 06, 2011

Take 700 of our 100 megaton nuclear devices and place every 500 miles. This will thin out the herd, ending world hunger.

By anon161710 — On Mar 21, 2011

here's how we solve world hunger: send 100 billion condoms over all of the poverty stricken areas. everyone can keep having sex but only one child per family. Within five generations, the population of poverty stricken areas will be 1/32nd of the size it was before, and after another, the problem will be - wait for it - solved!

By anon155116 — On Feb 22, 2011

We have enough food on the Earth to feed everyone.

The starving people just can't afford it.

By anon87839 — On Jun 01, 2010

well, well. Do you think scientists are doing enough to combat this problem concerning food which may lead to poverty?

Or do you think some people are lazy?

The mind is indeed powerful, hence why man is still discovering this universe and inventing complex gadgets, so don't you think some people can get themselves out of poverty/ this food crisis?

Well we can also say man is receiving the penalty for their sins.

By anon80712 — On Apr 28, 2010

part of the world hunger problem isn't just climate, it's also poverty. you don't have money, you can't buy food. If you can't buy food you can't eat and if you don't eat, you die.

By anon66557 — On Feb 20, 2010

if we grow hemp the seeds don't contain any THC and they have protein and many other nutrients and we could harvest hundreds of thousands of seeds every two months easily.

By anon65988 — On Feb 17, 2010

The potato is the most nutritious and versatile food that can be cultivated in the world. One potato berry can yield up to one row three acres long, producing 10,000 pounds of edible tubers.

I believe there is a chance to put an end to world hunger if money grabbing governments stepped aside in their designer suits and limos and let the real help begin.

Sure, charity organizations are okay but they too, are no better then the big corporations around the world. They take private money and really haven't done jack with it.

My father and I can grow blight resistant potatoes organically with no pesticides in the deserts of California (Mojave). The fact is the money given to charitable organizations have not dented the problem of world hunger and the U.N. gets more powerful from the money the United States gives to help to aid Third World nations.

So there are solutions and very simple ones at that. The fact is politics, money and the need to feel good about yourself gets in the way of solving problems. Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. You know the rest.

By anon63184 — On Jan 31, 2010

anon52010 says it all. Reach the people around you first. =)

By anon52010 — On Nov 10, 2009

I think it's great and all looking at world hunger, but have you ever been to your local food bank? I think it's more important to help the people around you before you spread the love.

By anon50185 — On Oct 26, 2009

Greed and poverty are really the reasons for world hunger. if people weren't so greedy and kept all the money and food to themselves then there would be more money out there circulating and then other people would have a chance on getting it and then they able to buy the food and other necessary things of life.

By anon34333 — On Jun 20, 2009

This article is unnecessarily cynical, and contradictory. First, you correctly state that world hunger is largely caused by politics and poor distribution methods. Then, you allude to the myth that we don't have enough food.

"world hunger is always going to remain as long as the world population continues to be substantially higher than the amount of food that farmers are able to produce."

What does that even mean? The population is higher than the amount of food produced? As though there are more crops than people? I would assume you meant farmers are not able to produce enough food to feed the world's population, but that is simply not true. The vast majority of the world's food rots away, while a good number of the world's population starves anyway. And anyway, a lot of good land goes to waste and/or become urbanized... so, there really is no problem with not being able to produce enough food.

Anyway I agree with anon15601. Democratic socialism all the way.

By anon20622 — On Nov 03, 2008

I heard that Europe and the US spend 3 billion dollars a year on perfume! Imagine how much people that money could save!

By anon15617 — On Jul 16, 2008

hmmm...ever heard of "starving children in China?"

By anon15601 — On Jul 16, 2008

The problems of world hunger come not from a lack of food or resources. We have the resources to feed everyone in the world many times over. In fact many foods are overproduced and the surplus destroyed. Why? Because it would not be profitable to transport it to those who need it.

The system we live under, Capitalism, where commodities are produced and sold for profit rather than based on need, is the real problem. With a planned economy using resources properly and basing what is produced on need rather than what can turn a profit, world hunger could easily be confined to the dustbin of history.

For workers' control of the means of production under a Socialist, democratically planned economy!

Michael Pollick
Michael Pollick
As a frequent contributor to CulturalWorld.org, Michael Pollick uses his passion for research and writing to cover a...
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