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What Is the Illuminati?

Tricia Christensen
Updated: May 23, 2024
Views: 711,022

The Illuminati, translated as the people of the light, refers to several groups and to prevailing conspiracy theories about some of these groups’ importance or continued influence in the modern world. Most specifically, they were a radical group in Bavaria founded in 1776, which gave rise to other countries also forming related groups.

The Bavarian Illuminati, as well as its offshoot groups, was a secret society, to which many politicians and intellectuals were drawn. The Society of Masons was thought to have close ties with members, and many Masons joined the Illuminati. Some Mason groups felt that they were religiously conflicted because many of the other group's members were atheists.

As far as history can suggest, Illuminati groups from Europe were some of the more advanced thinkers of the time period, reflecting humanism philosophy emerging at the time. They were opposed to power exerted by churches and by the nobility. The organization, as a secret society, was illegal. During its early years, this secret society may have had as many as 10 branches in Europe and 2000 members drawn from the intellectuals in Europe. According to historical sources, the group fell apart by 1795.

This is when speculation and conspiracy theory steps in to lend a hand. Conspiracy theorists assert that the Illuminati still exists today and has extraordinary influence over governments. One thing considered “evidence” of existence is the presence of the eye on the pyramid of a one US dollar (USD) bill. And most conspiracy beliefs held about the secret society consider the order as largely influential on the Freemasons.

Some believe that key members in the early formation of the US government, like Thomas Jefferson, and Ben Franklin were members of the Illuminati, and that the group continues to influence world government. It is suggested that the society has taken an active role in most major events in history. Some theorists allege that certain Presidents and members of the British monarchy are members.

The Illuminati has recently gained some popularity with the Dan Brown novel Angels and Demons. Brown is most recognizable as the author of The Da Vinci Code. He takes the society on as a subject of interest, suggesting that all major scientific thinkers from the Age of Reason onward have been secret members.

Brown depicts a constant war between the Illuminati and the Roman Catholic Church, outlining the conflict between not only atheism and Christianity but also specifically science and religion. His work, which many acknowledge advances conspiracy theories about the group, suggest the Illuminati is still in existence and in continued warfare with the Vatican. Brown also intimates that members of the group have infiltrated every powerful political organization, and is largely composed of the world’s scientific community.

Nonfiction works have made the same contention as Brown’s, that the group still exists today and is in constant battle with the Catholic Church. Some theorists believe that the Illuminati work toward establishing a New World Order and have influenced most world events in the 20th century. What can be verified is that there are several groups using the name in the 20th century, based on the principles of the Bavarian and European groups. These include the German Ordo Illuminatorum, the Grand Lodge Rockefeller in the USA, and the Spanish Orden Illuminati.

Various perspectives exist on the benefits of the Illuminati in the modern world. Some believe that the group's focus on science will ultimately destroy the world. Others think that they exist to lead the world with a principal dependence on science, and that they will specifically gain preeminence after some catastrophic event on the earth destroys most of its inhabitants. To some, the society is an object of fear, to others a source of hope, and to many, it is merely a curious group exaggerated into importance by conspiracy theorists and works of fiction.

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Tricia Christensen
By Tricia Christensen
With a Literature degree from Sonoma State University and years of experience as a CulturalWorld.org contributor, Tricia Christensen is based in Northern California and brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to her writing. Her wide-ranging interests include reading, writing, medicine, art, film, history, politics, ethics, and religion, all of which she incorporates into her informative articles. Tricia is currently working on her first novel.
Discussion Comments
By anon994753 — On Mar 03, 2016

Honestly, it doesn't matter what you believe. I am a Christian but does that mean everyone has to be a Christian? I believe in God. Does that mean everyone has to believe in God? The answer is no. Yes, I believe in God because I want it to be true and so do many other people. Maybe when you die you don't go to heaven or hell. Maybe when you die you are reborn as someone completely different. Maybe when you die it's just lights out.

My point is, don't waste your time on trying to find information on things like the illuminati or the Bermuda triangle. Go out and live life while you can. I am only on my computer writing this is because I am 12 years old.

By etta1234 — On Feb 10, 2014

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. = illuminati

By anon359865 — On Dec 21, 2013

Illuminati or religion? Does it make a difference? Each demonize the other and each wants to control man for their own interests (which are not always in the best interests of man). If the illuminati encourage education and understanding and intellectual growth then maybe they're the good guys. Religions tell you the way it is and you dare not dispute the message or break the faith or you're out.

I prefer reason and logic as opposed to faith. I know exactly who I am, where I came from, and what my purpose is in life and so do you if you think about it. I am a product of my parents, just as they are a product of theirs. If you go back a million generations (say, 20 million years) do you think we would look the same as we do today? I may not be able to say what we looked like then but I would bet hard cash we didn't look like we do today. Believe it or not people, that is evolution and it is no mystery and it doesn't need you to believe.

As to my purpose in life? There are about 7 billion people on this one planet. We are the one species that has come to dominate this precious biosphere. Our purpose is simple. Our planet has nurtured us to this point. It's time to return the favor. Is it possible to take care of our family, community, country, world-planet all at the same time? Yes. We owe our lives to planet earth and now we have to show we are worthy of that.

All 7 billion of us, no matter our race, religion, creed, whether we know it or not, that is and must be our purpose. We owe that to earth. This should have nothing to do with politics or nationality or religious beliefs. We are all citizens of earth.

By anon345216 — On Aug 17, 2013

Do I believe there is a group of people around the world who wield enormous power and control a lion's share of the wealth? Yes. Do I believe that there is evil in this world? Yes. But all this talk about symbolism, mind control, MX Ultra, gangs talking, solstice sacrifices, etc., is really up to your own opinion based on your personal beliefs.

All this talk about the Illuminati does nothing but divide us through fear and hatred. I feel it is best to live our lives and be the best possible people we can be, rather than waste our time arguing over things that might not be true and would not have any control over if they were true. We are only given so much time on this earth. Care for yourself and the ones you love, because no one else is going to do it for you.

By anon340964 — On Jul 07, 2013

Open your eyes. Stop watching TV and stop listening to the radio. The Illuminati wants to dominate the world. Rise up against the new world order and rebel against the Illuminati. Spread this message.

By anon337220 — On Jun 03, 2013

The Catholic Church has been responsible for more deaths than anyone throughout the centuries. They also make up their own rules as they go along. After the Roman Empire fell, they had to control the masses so they lied about Jesus, Mary and everything else so they could control the ignorant population. There is so much more to it, but I'm tired and don't feel like typing.

By anon328141 — On Apr 02, 2013

I find it odd that there is no mention by anyone about the Illuminati card game that clearly shows what has come to pass. These cards were created years before the events played out. Mere coincidence? Who is friend, who is foe? Even if you knew, could you change the course of what's to come? Where are we to go? What are we to do?

So what's the plan? You see what happens to those who speak up too loudly, like Bill Cooper, John Todd, etc. Our day to day lives are manipulated. So many secrets, so many lies. My hope is that we survive, liberties intact, because we are under attack by our own in a land we call home.

By anon325440 — On Mar 16, 2013

So, like, is the Illuminati bad? I mean it's a secret society, so why isn't everyone allowed do be in the Illuminati? Are there specific qualities you need to have?

By anon323181 — On Mar 04, 2013

Isn't this fun? There are many types of people discussing their views on are organization that may, or may not be there! I might as well state my ideas, and beliefs here too.

For starters, I do believe in a being that is beyond our current comprehension. I also believe that knowledge is power; even in the bible, knowledge is referenced as power. Understanding that all our gods could possibly be the same is interesting. It could even be possible, but pull back your views and think. On both sides; How much do you actually know about the Illuminati and the religion everyone chooses? You don't, do you? You see, in this world of conflict, we very seldom get along with each other because of this. So let's assume for a brief moment one is present, and one is not. Religion is the center of people, not the the center of strong society, or military.

Science creates the tools for building houses, creating medicine, weapons and much more. While we do say the bible is right, why would you worship a god that says killing is wrong, only to kill and get sent to hell wait for repentance, but get condemned in another religion, or get a blessing because you killed someone? That is tricky, so the question still stands: are all of our religions related? Are we just doing the same thing without knowing it? Or perhaps there is more than just science? Maybe science is the answer? Or maybe we all need to die in order to create a beautiful world, or change it to complete anarchy!

The universe is vast, my friends, so be open-minded. One way might be harder than the other, but is so much more rewarding. Accept both sides, but know when to leave the argument. Also, if both sides are true, then why are we even arguing? Seriously, get a life. Go chat with the old woman who turns out be a devil worshiper. Go join your friends, even though you don't know what religion they are.

My best friends are Catholic, Muslim and Jewish. Of course there is the overly patriotic American, but we are living the same type of dream. I have my friends and family, and we have a common like for weapons, video games, and nerd like preferences. Sure, we could hate each other for what religion we are, but we are men of science, not violence.

If every person could accept each other for who they are, then why would we need these far fetched ideas? Heck, I just want to play Halo, train my martial arts, and live a good life with my family and friends. I'll worry about the anti Christ, Illuminati, and whatever God sends my way later. Right now, I have to keep living my dream, like everyone else should be living theirs.

By anon323001 — On Mar 02, 2013

The Illuminati stink and it's a bad group. I advise not even thinking about joining. Rumor has it they are taking the anonymous members hostage and interrogating them. They are being criminal and horrible. People who have been speaking up against this horrible group have been taken hostage. Illuminati, we are watching you. We are anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us, Illuminati.

By anon322893 — On Mar 01, 2013

I won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said.

- William F. Buckley, Jr.

I don't think I could say it better. You are all crazy. You fear the unknown and condem it as satanic tipical church for you. I believe in God but I also believe in wisdom.

By anon318988 — On Feb 10, 2013

The illuminati are not atheists, they are not devil worshipers. These rumors and lies were started by the Catholic Church. Before you believe what they say, ask yourselves who has more blood on their hands than any other organization on earth. The Illuminati are God fearing, deeply devout Christians who know that God gave us science to understand ourselves and our world, as well as our universe.

By anon317940 — On Feb 05, 2013

@anon256142: Satan is, in fact, the ruler of the darkness of this world. You are right on the mark. The Bible tells us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. I have never thought very long on the reality of the dark side and the future of earth or its destiny. I still don't plan on lingering on this topic but you have explained it well.

By anon317696 — On Feb 03, 2013

One member is right. The devil is in charge of this world, not the universe! The highest level of the Masons do indeed worship Satan. My grandfather got out and couldn't believe it! They're a creepy society. Yeah, they love Satan!

By anon316193 — On Jan 27, 2013

Illuminati members are the grandsons of the Angel of the Dark Alleys. They are in a quest for dominance, but where lies the real power?

By anon313850 — On Jan 14, 2013

Some of my friends believe this stuff, and with the celebrities too. I say there are more immediate problems in our world that we know are going to happen. This is just a thing that nobody really knows much about.

For the people who believe in this seriously, read about the time in history where so-called witches were killed because they were said to worship the devil. They were just women who knew how to heal people. For all we know, the illuminati are just a group of scientists who have ideas for the human future. If you think they worship the devil, then all the doctors must too right?

People, be logical. Use your brain. Think. You all have such religion clouded minds that you can't even think straight anymore. Not saying that being religious is bad, though. I believe in God, but can you believe and trust in him enough that he will not let us die if this is true?

By anon306669 — On Dec 01, 2012

What it comes down to is no god; just a devil exists. We are all in the devils' dream. Everything in the real world is really reversed. God is in fact, the Devil. There is no eye in the sky. That's why we are all judged individually. Non believers get no after life. Jesus broke away from god. It's true. I am a mason. Beware of darkness.

By anon305323 — On Nov 25, 2012

The people who are titled crazy and those who are titled "missing" are experimented on. There are scientists who work in certain fields that make drugs to distribute to the public. The no names just made a new drug.

By anon305322 — On Nov 25, 2012

People say. "Oh, the government would never go up against us." Well, just think about "what if", just a "what if." Dude, if you knew what was in store.

By anon305030 — On Nov 24, 2012

People who think they are god need to open their eyes and be aware before it's too late,

The Illuminati is real. It is an organization of people who worship Satan for fame and money.

God has given man wisdom to think beyond, so don't be fooled by false prophecies. Jesus Christ died for our sins, and there is a Father and a Son and the Father is the Holy Spirit who dwells inside of us. God has give each man power. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and our Lord and Saviour.

Repent before it's too late. Time is running out. Some people will burn in hell for eternity if they don't believe in God and repent of their sins. Some of them may not know they are already walking through Hell.

There is nothing to argue about if you are cleansed and believe in God and Jesus, who died for us on the cross for our sins. Unsaved people who think they know it all

need to go read the Bible and the book "The Divine Revelation of Hell" by Mary K. Baxter. It will change their lives forever.

Don't burn in hell like how Michael Jackson is burning there. The demons are making him a fool in hell. He seduced many of our young children, but dear readers the war is almost over between Good and Evil. Time is running out and I say once again, repent before it's too late.

The Illuminati are real people but they will never rule and they will be defeated by all God's people. Don't be a hypocrite and dwell on worldly things.

By anon297025 — On Oct 14, 2012

Okay, reality check: the book "Angels and Demons" actually said in the end that the Illuminati never became something of grand importance after they were suppressed harshly in the 1700's, so you can't cite that as an advocate for conspiracy theories. If anyone would like to argue this point, please read the book and see for yourself.

By anon282490 — On Jul 30, 2012

Can you leave the illuminati whenever you want to?

By anon282009 — On Jul 26, 2012

What about the Bilderberg secret meetings? What about the "cremation of care" ceremony where they worship moloch the giant owl statue and perform a mock sacrifice on a child? They do it every year. All the elites attend?

By anon266279 — On May 04, 2012

And here I thought people would actually comment based on logical thought. Yes, the Illuminati are so much of a secret society that everybody knows about them. They also probably failed in 2000 in their plan to destroy all computers in order to send waves in order to control your mind.

Oh,and did I forget to mention that I'm part of the Illuminati too? Actually, a friend of my cousin is one too. And they're definitely scary as crap. They're everywhere. Remember your six year old brother disguised as a devil at Halloween? Do not be fooled by his innocent looks, he's Illuminati. Your parents have corrupted him, and soon, you'll be next. Paul McCartney? He's dead people, wake up. In 1965, they did a contest to find out the best look-alike, who had the same voice, the same personality and the same musical talent. Yep, that's how scary they are.

Illuminatis were scientists, not satanists.

People are so gullible. Please let me facepalm myself into the next century.

By anon263459 — On Apr 24, 2012

On 6 June, the illuminati members will be looking up on the stars while venus will pass between the sun and the earth. If you then draw a line from planet to planet, they will create a witch pentagram. Interesting, isn't it?

By anon261266 — On Apr 14, 2012

Well since I'm here in the mix again, and everybody seems to give their opinion, I feel like I have an opportunity to shed light on subject that a lot of people seem to talk about and not really see. As a knowledgeable and open-minded person, I can see both sides, but the trick is, we have to be like Marcus Aurelius said: you always have to be neutral.

The thing is that the church has done more harm then good and that is true history does not lie. How come you have to pay to see the vatican while kids in Africa are nothing but skin and bone? I'm Catholic, read the Bible daily and any spiritual book I can get. On the other hand, the church has become an institution and going once a week to dress nice to show off your heart is not what Abraham, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad and Baha u llah would like us to be. We have to live by one thing like the Zohar teaches, "Love you neighbor as yourself." It is so simple, but we fall so far from it. I'm not saying the church is bad, but if you think about it, where would you find the devil? He is the closest to the people who are trying to get closer to God, so he would be part of the church to control the connection. It is all nature that we see mostly. The church shed a lot blood in the name of Christ and that is another way to brainwash the people. We have to have our own church inside our heart, be open to all religions and be open to new ideas and to live harmony as one.

On the other hand, when you talk about secret societies, there is also a issue that they are basically the same as the church: you have the good and the bad. I have friends who don't believe in God, but they are still my friends because they believe in other things.

I always say believe in something and it well make you a better person. I don't care If you believe in love, science, God, Allah, etc. like the song "Who do you believe in?" As long you are here, help others and then it's all good. We need to always be neutral and listen to help and not destroy. Of course, this is my opinion, so take it as it is, but remember one thing: the Bible is written in codes. Like any other spiritual book, it's just like science, with endless text. There is a lot to know and it's hard to get into if you are not ready to absorb it in like a baby.

Anyway, if the illuminati is here and will help the world get better, then I say go for it, but if they are here to do evil, then karma comes back 10 fold. Anyway, if the Vatican is here to help the world be better, then I say go for it, but if they are here to do evil then karma comes back 10 fold.

Just remember that the mind is so powerful that if everybody thinks of something in common it will exist. That's what my dad always said. And by showing love you can unlock all the power to your mind. Team H.O.P.E saying have a good night. I'm going to a hip hop club so I can stop thinking. Have nice night. --All-in Peace.

By anon256957 — On Mar 24, 2012

The members of the illuminati are just in it for the benefit of whatever riches they get. Some actors have no choice. They get killed if they don't. They sell their souls to the devil and get what they want but when they try to come out of it they can't.

I have no knowledge on this illuminati thing, but this is what I understand from all my research on the topic and discussions with my friends.

It's a very interesting mystery but very dangerous and deadly.

By anon256142 — On Mar 20, 2012

If people really wanted to know for sure if there is a chance there is truly an Illuminati, why don't you just read the last book of the Bible. The Lord already told us that there is a "conspiracy." The Devil is out to steal, kill and destroy. It is not too hard to put some of the signs together if you know the scriptures. I am not talking about a conspiracy theory. I am talking about a preordained event. The prophets gave so many accounts of Jesus' birth, death and resurrection, but still the people did not believe. He is doing the same thing with the rapture of the church as a body of believers and people will either believe or be left to deal with the Illuminati, or Satan.

Look at all the symbolism for some of the richest products in the world. Apple, for instance, has the large Apple with a bite out of it, representing the day Adam took the bite which gave us knowledge and inasmuch, we became gods. There are triangles and eyes everywhere. CBS is a great example. People just need to wake up and see they are being desensitized and when the time does come to truly make the hard decisions, they will not see anything wrong with some of the things they have allowed into their life for so many years. That is the true work of Satan, whether it really is through a group or cult that is pulling the strings, or whether it is through Satan himself setting up his kingdom here on earth.

One thing is for certain: we live in an era of instant gratification. Nobody waits for anything. Patience is not a virtue anymore, and if anyone believes their children are not being harmed by the things they are putting in their head, they are already deceived! This is the master plan in it's truest form! Just my humble opinion!

By anon255631 — On Mar 18, 2012

We should start believing in human beings. Everybody was created equally but with different styles/techniques/etc. Forget the illuminati and the rest of the people who worship the devil. I say if we all step up and face against the illuminati then we will win together. Justice will always win if we do it together as a team. You know what I mean?

By anon255090 — On Mar 15, 2012

So many closed eyes and stupidity. No, the Illuminati did not kill Michael Jackson and neither did any doctor. Open your eyes, minds and do your homework. It's all Kings and Queens like a deck of cards. Death can mean so many things and the term can be used many ways.

By anon253913 — On Mar 11, 2012

I think the illuminati are all people from the media world, especially the singers and actors. They can really control the world especially by using teenagers. They're the devil's slaves.

By anon244576 — On Feb 01, 2012

They are a group of scientific technocrats with the learned ability to play upon the different fears between societies and get them to destroy each other, for the benefit of themselves. They are Satanic systems designers born out of the oligarchy surrounding the Roman Senate, then the old royal houses of Italy, Switzerland, Germany and most recently England. (The house of Windsor is German!)

It's for this reason you see them within banking, letting the tragic, stupid jar-headed nations kill each other and rape the children they leave behind through debt-servitude and blackmailing their representatives.

These people are an oligarchy without scruples.

Call them whatever you want, but don't call them humans. They want to depopulate humanity into a more manageable size. CO2-taxes is one such strategy.

Don't wait until I say 'I told you so.' I won't be there.

By anon244389 — On Feb 01, 2012

Find God outside of the church, mosques and temples. Cut out the middlemen, like priests, rabbis, pastors.

Pray and study your scriptures, and God will teach you your true path in life and the way to please him.

Jesus left the good news right at the hearts and feet of those who had ears to listen. It was then up to the hearer to respond to its truths or to reject it --simple,and the way God always intended faith to be. Look at the horror that men of God did to the world, in their own vision of what God would want from them,

Trust in Jesus and in God almighty, and put everything you have in his hand. With wisdom, God created everything. Hang in there.

By anon243072 — On Jan 26, 2012

I believe one is a group of people, who saw true the lies of this new religion, a religion that spread out to dozens of new religions, all based on the same lie, but a lie for powerful men to gain even more power and riches. Though these powerful men wrote a book, with words that have been changed over time, and written in many different ways of choices of words. That gave both hope = heaven, but also despair = hell, and used this against the people.

This group of people who saw through this lie was in many decades, not able to do much, but in the late 1700s, they were able to build something, and that name needed to be something people would understand, so illuminati = enlightenment was born. Latin was very commonly used by scientists. So the name was obvious. But strong powerful men would not want their power taken away from them, and the devil was born in the form of another lie.

This has happened in history as well, with the templars in the crusades, as the templars made well the first bank system in europe. I am not sure it was the first the world, but I believe it was. When they came home from the crusade, the church made them outlaws, and hunted them down tortured and killed most of them, as they were not ready to lose this gold the templars were making for them. They tortured them to say they were devil worshipers so they could explain the public why they killed them. Another lie.

Women with great wisdom concerning plants were burned on the stake, as devil worshipers. The truth was they would lose gold if the people went to the witches instead coming to church to pray while filling up our church's safe gold chamber. Alms for the poor! Yeah, right.

But all shall believe in what they wish: Religion or science, old gods or new gods, gaia or earth. See, we are people of earth, we named the planet earth, and that is what we shall preserve, and before we see true the lies or truths, this will always be the most talk about comparing good and bad, and who is the good or bad? That's all for me.

By anon241928 — On Jan 21, 2012

The koran is real and is a message from God (allah). Why believing in illuminati and worship the devil. It's bad-- very bad! All it stay in the world but think about your life after this life!

By anon241826 — On Jan 20, 2012

America is christian but they fund the world's largest space program. Their motto is "In god we trust" but they also have the Illuminati symbols on their currency. It's all very conflicted.

By anon240534 — On Jan 14, 2012

Quote: "malachi 4:11 mentions hell. the jw are a part of the illumniati. they have the same teachings. i studied with every religion."

Malachi chapter 4 only has 6 verses as far as bible translators know apparently. Just check out some bible translation sites.

Even some atheists can figure out where the concept of hell originally came from and how that english word was used to translate different Greek and Hebrew words found in the biblical scriptures. You claim to have studied with every religion? I'm sure you never paid a lot of attention to the explanation of a JW then, undoubtedly because you already made up your mind about them before the conversation ever started, and then you fool yourself that you've 'studied' their religion. But I'm sure you'll run into them again, and you'll get another chance to pop the question:

What is hell and why does it say Sheool, Hades and Gehenna in your bible where it says "Hell" in my bible (in various different places with clearly different meanings then your concept of hell)?

But I guess I'm drifting off-topic.

By anon240442 — On Jan 14, 2012

Quote: "I'm scared of Jesus Christ because they preach that he has the power to send me to hell of I do something that he doesn't like."

There are videos online that address this, and I keep a random collection of all kinds of videos about this conspiracy, supposed conspiracy or just general confusion surrounding the illuminati, it's a bit of a collection from all sides of the story as well as some debunking, or there are videos that explain the way governments work or why the world is so screwed up (or should I just say unfair?).

By anon238280 — On Jan 03, 2012

I just tripped out right now,I was watching the movie Baby sitter. During part of the movie in the middle of the movie of scenes you see the Illuminati sign in the background with the triangle with the eye.

By anon236950 — On Dec 27, 2011

There might be these kinds of groups - illuminati which are bringing satanic deeds into this world we're living in right now. If it doesn't exist, why is it that lady gaga's videos and the lyrics of her songs were very bad, like poker face, judas from which proclaiming satan's identity? But actually right now, I'm still confused about all these things.

What is important for those who believe that this subject exists, is at least we've tried to give warnings to those people idolizing lady gaga and other members who came to be very famous with all their satanic music and lyrics and even others cannot be understand.

By anon235342 — On Dec 17, 2011

Illuminati are real. Don't worry about that. Their plans are screwed up. They have no real terms for our life. They are bringing in the new world order, and will not think twice about this. They think their god is supreme. However, religion will always change through different stories and believers. It is what you believe in and follow which makes you who you are.

We are merely an imprint to these government leaders who can and will change things to what they think is best.

By anon234360 — On Dec 11, 2011

This whole thing reminds me of the song ''2112'' by rush.

By anon233568 — On Dec 07, 2011

If the illuminati does exist, then I don't really care. The world is pretty screwed up, but it's not like we are somehow being oppressed from the truth or something like that. Anyway, it probably doesn't exist.

I personally believe in the Christian God, but I acknowledge the chance that I am not right. I do, however, reject the theory that there is no god, because if there is no original creator, then how did we all get here?

Also, religion should not be abolished. I think that people should just be mature and tolerate others' beliefs rather than completely throw out all theories of theism.

By anon233346 — On Dec 05, 2011

I always have bad dreams of the devil and illuminati and I get shocked that all these people seem innocent but no, they are all in the illuminati. any way I can stop these dreams?

By anon231301 — On Nov 23, 2011

I find this subject really mysterious and something I will spend upcoming time thinking about. I also really enjoy to read the thoughts people have on this subject. Like people saying without religion the world would be better? Maybe in this time period, but they needed religion back in the day. Also, a lot of the Illuminati is unclear. People say there's evidence they exist today, but that could be easily a group "playing" illuminati. Many unsolved mysteries of this subject have been answered by people lying. (many say the church) It's only almost impossible to find out what's true and what's not.

By anon218799 — On Sep 30, 2011

what on earth is illuminati? i mean i've been reading this and still don't understand. can someone post a meaning or something? even though i don't understand i think that it is really creepy!

By anon218722 — On Sep 30, 2011

From all your opinions, I think Illuminati is just a cult. Anyone can do anything to get noticed and I also believe everyone is in control of their lives. No one can make decisions for you. I just find it stupid to argue over stupid things. If the celebrities want it their way let them have it. I believe they are the only ones who know the benefits of it all and also the pioneer. Keep out of it if you trust in God just like I do!

By anon213487 — On Sep 11, 2011

"We are our own God" is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You obviously think too much on pride and pointless things. The heart of man is sour and pride filled. Some people are so blind. There is a God and there is his Son, Jesus Christ. Now you can go around believing that you are a God, but will it get you anywhere? No. Who gave you the soul you have? Surely it wasn't your mother. Can you create something out of nothing? No you cannot. You are no God, no human is a God, we never have been and never will be. I feel bad for people who believe in such rot.

As for the Illuminati it is also meaningless, anyone who worships something like that looks like a fool, yes a fool. It's like children worshipping an idol, yet they say "We are atheists. We have no idols and no religion." Sorry to break it to you, but believing you are a God, and saying you're an atheist, you pretty much just put yourself up as a religion and that you yourself is the idol.

Alas, the world is a corrupt and sad place that I really dislike being a part of. Maybe it's the fact that my perception of life is very keen and I tend to notice all the things that are wrong before most can. Have a nice day.

By blah01 — On Aug 28, 2011

If you live in Breese IL, the end is coming, find god, don't listen to Lady Gagalot, and remember kids, Ski the the Devil!

By anon207301 — On Aug 19, 2011

@anon203828: I think you're right about that there ain't no god upstairs. Everyone is a god because we can change everything just by believing that it can happen. Like pills. If one person doesn't know what the pill looks like, he/she can get some pain drugs for, let's just say depression, and if they believe it can (for the most part) it will help, but then if it helps for a month and the person finds out that it is pain drugs he has got from his doctor it won't help anymore (can't remember what that is called. But I think you're right!

By anon203828 — On Aug 06, 2011

my belief is that there is a god, but it is not the god you imagine, but the god that exists is us. we are our own god, and our perception and consciousness actually creates matter. nothing is actually "real," but only a measurement of certain frequencies that we project into our conscious minds.

the words "angels" and "demons" are actually the projection in someone's personality and how they portray their "spirit" to be. we have been made to think that all these things are "exterior" when really, it is us who are the problem, but it is also us who are the answer. people should understand that they control themselves and a degree of everything else around them!

By anon203477 — On Aug 05, 2011

There is so much confusion about the Illuminati due to the Dan Brown books. This is done on purpose and this article is no help. Get religion out of your head. It's not about science vs. faith.

The Illuminati use the Catholic church the same way they use governments. I repeat, it is not about scientists or artists like Da Vinci creating a cult bent on destroying religion. That is pure fiction from Dan Brown's head.

In fact, their goal is rather the opposite of the advancement of knowledge: it is about concealing knowledge as well as concentrating wealth and power into fewer and fewer hands.

If you want a starting point on the Illuminati, I beg you to watch "Eyes Wide Shut." "Angels and Demons" is mass entertainment meant to confuse people. "Eyes Wide Shut" is an insider's (Stanley Kubrick's) take on the Illuminati. He blew the whistle. It was what got him killed (he died four days after handing the finished film to the studio). And then many changes were made and tons of cuts were applied to keep the lid on it as much as possible (if Stanley wasn't dead, he'd have gone ballistic at anyone editing his film).

They couldn't cut everything though, and the ritual scene must be very close to what this cult practices. If you know anything about Stanley Kubrick, it's probably that he doesn't make random stuff up. If it's in his film, it's there for a reason. And he was definitely an insider, but he eventually realized the Illuminati treated him as a servant and so he wanted nothing more to do with them. "Eyes Wide Shut" is so blatant it was almost a suicide on his part.

By anon202237 — On Aug 02, 2011

Want to be a member of the illuminati? Then you will live with Satan. How sorry. Hope you desire more of Jesus in your life.

By anon200991 — On Jul 29, 2011

i want to be a member of the illuminati too.

By anon200378 — On Jul 26, 2011

Look at it this way: regardless of what we think of this we will never find out the truth about anything. you can't believe what the modern bible says because the government, church or whoever wrote it wouldn't even know anything. it's just a copy of previous copies done throughout the last thousand plus years and each one of them was manipulated by the church or government of that time. who knows where the original bible is today or if it even existed. I'm not saying I don't believe there is a god because there is.

I don't know anything about the illuminati. I'm guessing they're just a made up story by people who had nothing better to do, but that's just my guess. It's as good as anybody else's. If it did exist and they were a secret society, then they're doing a pretty good job of keeping it secret, don't you think? Because none of us really know anything other than what we hear and read off the internet.

But hey, only time will tell what's real and what's fake.

By anon195420 — On Jul 11, 2011

Illuminati. Seriously guys, get over it! I don't care if celebs are in it or if it's just government affiliated. The one thing you should be worried about is if you're going to spend eternity in Heaven or Hell. Nobody is going to end the world; only God can do that. Walk by faith and not by sight. If you let the lies and makes of the world control you, you'll lose sight of our creator. Even if you don't want to believe me, all I'm saying is that as long as you believe in the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, and that God raised Jesus from the grave you're going to be okay.

Besides, God said in his commandments: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." (Other “gods” can include possessions, power or prominence.) Just know you're going to be okay!

By anon193699 — On Jul 05, 2011

The Illuminati was or as many people believe still is, a secret society. This society was created because the Catholic Church rejected everything every scientist said in the earlier years. Take Galileo, for example. He proved that the earth is round and that it orbits around the sun. The church wouldn't accept this so they told him that he would have to recant everything he said about it. This came up to that every scientist worked in the "dark", or just worked secretly because they didn't want the church after them. Therefore, they assembled the Illuminati.

Illuminati vs The Catholic church is just science versus religion. And some even mean that there is still a "war" between them today in the Vatican.

But what other people are saying about the Illuminati is wrong. It's not the devil's society, the triangle is not a symbol for the devil and all the celebs people are talking about is just rubbish. The Illuminati symbol is a triangle with an eye in the middle, standing for "The All Seeing Eye". The Illimunati never even made it to the states, considering it wasn't discovered back then. But if you ask me, I still belief that this Illuminati society is still running.

By Jessica123 — On Jul 01, 2011

My friend said tht lady gaga, rihanna, taio cruz and more people are illuminati. i asked what is that and she said it's people who worship the devil. I said you're lying and she said nope.

By anon191662 — On Jun 29, 2011

I think the illuminati know about the higher beings. They know something the average person doesn't. I found a lot of good information at What is the illuminati about this subject.

By anon191380 — On Jun 28, 2011

The Illuminati only existed because the catholic church wouldn’t let people believe in science. Galileo proved the earth moves around the sun, the church said he was wrong and forced him to say he was wrong. So scientists did science in secret and were called the Illuminati. They split up when people were allowed to think for themselves, so they had no reason to do their stuff in secret.

The Illuminati symbol, the eye in the triangle is also known as the all seeing eye of god. All the stuff about the Illuminati is a lie by the church, the devil worshiping, taking over the world etc. They haven’t been around for 200 years. All the stuff about celebs being in it is rubbish. They never even made it to America.

By anon187921 — On Jun 19, 2011

Everything about the Illuminati is fake propaganda by the real culprits. The real Bavarian Illuminati created a website a while ago but not many will truly understand it.

By anon186506 — On Jun 15, 2011

I think that the illuminati were real, but they exist today as conspiracy theorists say because people still know that the illuminati were real. I don't think, honestly, that the illuminati have infiltrated every powerful government in the world. That would be too much of a human feat to accomplish, as there would be a suspicion to why people would refuse to follow any modern religion.

By anon185433 — On Jun 12, 2011

Post 276: see 'anthropic principle.'

Nature is perfect because if it wasn't, then we wouldn't be here to ask why it is perfect.

By anon184071 — On Jun 07, 2011

most songs that are written today have some sort of meaning and most songs weren't written by the artists themselves. I'm doing research on these song meanings and i must say a lot of old and newer songs have the same meaning or accent stories behind them, not to mention they use words that have 2000 years old meaning to them.

By anon184059 — On Jun 07, 2011

Listen. A lot of things that are important to understanding the illuminati are not in this post. The pyramid has thirteen steps, (as do many illuminati symbols), and thirteen is a satanist number.

The illuminati scientists were evil -- not necessarily satanist, but definitely evil. They tortured people into forcing them to see their way of thinking. This was mainly done to important figures so the illuminati knew that they would not turn easily so the torture was conducted in such a way that they created an alternate persona (personality to the young here).

The alternate persona would believe anything the illuminati members told them. The illuminati's main goal is to overthrow religion.

Post 262: I know what you mean when you say that religion ruined the world. I think you mean that if there was no religion then we could have been where we are now in 150 AD but to be honest, without religion, then the world would have fallen apart long ago, as in people would never rally together.

This is all coming from a non-religious person.

By anon182783 — On Jun 02, 2011

Jeez, why are you people so allergic to the word "illuminati"? So what if they are illuminati or what if Lady Gaga was illuminati? What are you going to do -- kill her?

By anon182392 — On Jun 02, 2011

I don't know how old this discussion is. But I've been trying to figure out what the illuminati is all around the web.

What shocks me is that i can't believe how many people refuse to believe that God exists. Guys, If the world was created by science, why is everything so perfect in nature? Why does the earth turn perfectly and bring us seasons. The earth is not too far and not too close to the sun. Perfect. The ocean doesn't come to close to earth. All this, created by the perfect Creator.

By anon181064 — On May 28, 2011

All this stuff is so confusing! What actually is the illuminati? Everyone is saying it has stuff to do with pop stars and 2012 and loads of stuff, but I don't see how it all links up! someone please explain it to me in a way a 13 year old girl will understand.

By anon179321 — On May 23, 2011

Revolution will cripple the illuminati -- that much you can believe. I know people who are organized and preparing for a revolution when the time comes. Since the illuminati has intentions to infiltrate every level of government and bring forth a one world philosophy that will eliminate religion, they can't be good.

Science and philosophy are amazing things when used properly, but tell me is it right to take away the freedom to believe and serve god as they so choose. We are all accountable on the day of judgment before Christ himself. May god have mercy on the souls of men. Godian, a being who existed before the earth itself. Bet you would like to know more!

By anon178303 — On May 20, 2011

I'm a 17 year old christian and future scientist. if you guys probed carefully into science theories vs. Christianity, you will notice that they tessellate very well. Modern scientists have proved the relationship between the two and basically they compliment each other. i don't understand why people think that all scientists are atheists, because that is a matter of personal choice. There are many religious scientists who still want to use their knowledge to help solve earth's mysteries that perplex humans. It's all up to an individual to decide whether to do good or bad with their knowledge.

The illuminati scientists decided to manipulate their knowledge for their own benefit, so this stereotype should end! And yeah, i don't know if the illuminati exists or not, all i know is that one day Jehovah will take the devil down with all the demons. but remember, have faith in what you believe. Jehovah guides all who serve him with all their will.

i think it would be better if people read the bible more as the solution that will eventually benefit you, rather than googling lady gaga's devilish allegations and whatnots. What's the use? just fortify yourselves. what if all this 'grapevine' you're spending hours reading about is a lie? that's just my view.

By anon177507 — On May 18, 2011

You cannot get your morals from the bible. The bible tells you that if your children talk back in disrespect you are to kill them, strike them down. It was written many years after the stories supposedly occurred. Most christen holidays have their corresponding pagan festivals. Religion was created by man as a way to explain things he had no knowledge of. Humanism is the way for all.

By anon177248 — On May 17, 2011

I think that everyone has a right to choose what they believe, but do not tell me what to believe in. How can a world exist without religion? Just wondering! A lot of people are already crazy out here and if there wasn't the belief in faith in God, then there would be total disaster! Just imagine putting your faith into man and not into God. Man is not always reliable!

I don't know about you guys but all of this science is destroying the earth. I really wish that everyone could know and experience the love of Christ, and stop trying to say that he is not real. That's what faith is. I am really sad when I see celebrities I love, turn from Christ. It makes me wonder what is left of the world, when "these celebrities begin to deny the truth."

I expect some negative responses but remember whether you believe or not, you should still have respect for others and their opinions. Be Blessed.

By anon176563 — On May 16, 2011

Illuminati members are either artists, singers-mostly, and we are all blind if we deny that Illuminati does not exist. definitely, they do.

By anon176560 — On May 16, 2011

Wake up! we have to know the truth, we don't need a speaker or preacher to know the truth, we need to find the answers on our own way before our minds are controlled by the Illuminati.

By anon174963 — On May 11, 2011

No, some of them are artists, as well.

By anon171086 — On Apr 28, 2011

Quote: "For the science guys and non believers..."

Such stupid examples you give here. Love is what you feel from the moment you are born so we know its there.. The "feeling" God, is something you can only get at a later age once you think He is really there.

Gravity: Try flying from a rooftop without using anything but your body. Voila, there is gravity for you. Oxygen: We know it's there, or we would all be dead.

Now, i guess you are thinking now: look around you, God is everywhere. well, not to me because, unlike you, i don't believe God created what we see around us. You have to believe in God to see that God created everything.

Im not 100 percent atheist, by the way, because i do believe there is more that goes beyond our understanding.

I just don't believe the bible is God's word, or that there is only one almighty God, because if there was, a lot of things would not make any sense. for me, why did he create human kind in the first place if he is all knowing, doesn't make sense. To prove that he can? that's an imperfection and that's something that doesn't fit with something or someone who claims to be perfect.

And i could go on and on about things that make no sense, but if you look at those things with logic, even you can figure out what those things are.

By anon171076 — On Apr 28, 2011

I am illuminati when i read all this, because i have a very different way of thinking than most of you. I do believe I'm enlightened, because i can see what the world could be without religion and it could be great.

Religion is what has been holding us back to reach or potential for far too long. Religion has influenced what we can achieve as a human race and we would have been so much further in understanding ourselves and all that's around us, if it weren't for religions.

By anon171059 — On Apr 28, 2011

I'm, 15 and it's pretty easy to see the illuminati might not exist but they should. it looks like they have their heads screwed on straight. the world needs science and I've seen scientists end a project for good purposes,

Oh, and just because the pope said he can "see" signs of them doesn't mean they're there. you need to grow some brains and see the pope is not God or god or a prophet of some god who might possibly exist.

and you can see gravity and oxygen, and you can definitely see love -- just ask my girlfriend.

By anon170480 — On Apr 26, 2011

I was brought here after curiosity of the Illuminati group after a comment on a Katy Perry video. And after reading this and the comments, I'm confused as to what the "Illuminatis" did or do that is so terrible and makes them "Satan followers?"

By anon169596 — On Apr 22, 2011

Read the bible. it is all in there; you just need to connect it all up. we have been warned about the illuminati for centuries through the scriptures.

By anon168602 — On Apr 18, 2011

so then what happens to people that don't believe in god? I mean, i don't believe in god. I'm an atheist, but I'm most certainly not a member of the Illuminati. This is just a subject that got exaggerated and way out of control.

By anon168284 — On Apr 16, 2011

you all are nuts. you have no real arguments, just that any one against god is illuminati. like, so what?

the illuminati is a group.they don't control a thing. you all need to get a life and go outside.

By anon166322 — On Apr 07, 2011

you guys want answers? just pick up a bible and study it. Its not that hard. Jehovah will guide you guys and give you wisdom but only, and if only, you do His will. Think about it

By anon166203 — On Apr 07, 2011

Whether you are Christian, Muslim, Jewish an Atheist, Illuminati or a Mason, there is one thing that we all need to know. We will all stand before God almighty one day and give account for our lives on earth. So For those who have God, be strong in your faith. Love covers many sins at judgment. We shall all give record of what we have done in this life.

For the science guys and non believers, I ask you this: what if you're wrong? Can love be seen? Can gravity? Can oxygen? Why must sight be the only validation? Meditate and honestly seek God, and there you will find God.

Science has a theory also. It's called the Higsboson particle (God Particle) So if you need proof there is some to contemplate. Otherwise excuse my bluntness but get over yourselves because I'm not joking. God is coming like a thief in the night. May God have mercy on all our souls.

By anon163805 — On Mar 29, 2011

god gives restrictions? i don't think so. it is what guarantees our liberties. the seeming freedom of the illuminati will do nothing but restrict us is the long run. you find religion in your very core and i believe science isn't everything and there is more than what we choose to see. science used well is good but if it is used to make everyone a robot without emotions, it will be our very destruction.

By anon163788 — On Mar 29, 2011

The Illuminati are not Satan worshipers. They are people who wish to expand the world with science and philosophy.

They believe that dedicating your life to a God (who may or may not exist) would get in the way of their work.

I think the term 'One World' refers to total peace.

Yes, I believe it is possible to be Christian and Illuminati. Yes, I do believe that the Illuminati stills exists.

No, I don't believe that any of the more recent presidents are or were Illuminati members.

And I definitely do not believe that lady gaga is an illuminati member. (she is a bit too crazy to be considered philosophical).

Seriously, people will believe anything is a satanic symbol these days.

p.s: Illuminati = Enlightened meaning people who know the truth, which means they know what tv, books, hollywood and other fiction has made/covered up, because of dedication to research.

By anon163208 — On Mar 26, 2011

Illuminati: They are non religious and do not believe in satan, go to their website. Every video saying they are satanists and wherever you all heard that is made by christians, and we all know christians are obsessed with power. They are scared of losing their popularity to atheism because more and more people are starting to think logical and not just believing anything.

There are 2 Billion christians (not 2 billion are really christian though)

1.5M Muslims and 1 billion Atheists. 300 years ago or so I'd say there wasn't more than a few million atheists, they are rising in numbers fast.

Illuminati = Atheists? True.

Illuminati= Satanists? No.

By anon162726 — On Mar 24, 2011

Supposedly linked to the Masons, who to some, are a secret society. You would be surprised at the amount of good the Masons do.

If the Iluminati still exists, then who is to say that they do not do good. Someone who does not have a faith is not necessarily an atheist. I myself believe in the big bang theory and Darwin. I would not however, say that someone who does have a faith is misguided. Everyone to their own.

By anon162573 — On Mar 24, 2011

talk about scary, putting all this pyramid, eyes, (the eye on the pyramid) and inappropriate stuff into disneyland other popular kid shows, what? i totally agree with anon160101.

By anon162554 — On Mar 24, 2011

The world is going to an end figuratively, because all the presidents are involved in illuminati. The Roman church Pope (look at the symbols they use). the true bibles are hidden somewhere and that is where all our answers are, that will help us destroy the illuminati. most people want to rule the world and they think they rule the world but really their "God" or ruler is the one who is ruling their world.

By anon162364 — On Mar 23, 2011

All of your posts prove that something isn't right. And we all want answers, not information to be hidden. Honesty is the best policy.

By anon160518 — On Mar 16, 2011

whether they exist or not is really questionable, however the eventual operandi and concept of them do exist, maybe to some other name. What does a country do when it falls from global economic crisis due to its mismanagement? What does a country do to allow its reigning power control over the next decade or two? Think about it.

Are there individuals or groups that can assist these countries in covering up their mishaps and to blame it on some opposition? Think 9/11 and the other side of it.

By anon160101 — On Mar 14, 2011

Illuminati means enlightened, and enlightened is satanic because satan was shown as a fallen angel wearing a torch. Think about it. satan gives freedom and god gives restrictions, freedom = what we have in the west. And it all happens in the west. America and European countries full of Egyptian structures (pyramids and obelisks that symbolise the sun god, sun god = satan).

By anon159043 — On Mar 09, 2011

base your judgements on fact. Use only logical reasoning, not your religious views. think if the illuminati had many atheist members, why would they be satanist if they exist now and had celebrity members? it's stupid to think that because they were mainly scientists they're taking advantage of your theories to make more money and since they were scientists and intelligent why would they destroy the world? honestly, stop being so narrow minded. think.

By anon158228 — On Mar 06, 2011

OK. this is weird but it could be real. i mean, do you guys think Kesha and Lady Gaga are illuminati?

Anyway it's really scary if you think about it. either they will destroy the world or save it, god only knows. who knows about the secrets going all around us? nobody.

By anon157284 — On Mar 02, 2011

you're all mental.

By anon156386 — On Feb 27, 2011

Hopefully people can understand and take a look at everything. It's happening every day. That's why there's so much negative thing on our T.V., radio, even our conversations. If you believe in god then you also know there is a devil and if you think god is the only one who has followers, you're crazy.

Ever wondered why the radio plays the same songs over and over again? It's a programing tool that is used to enter our subconscious mind. You're being programmed. You buy the clothes they tell you to, you act just like they program you. Satan was the head of god's choir so why not use what you know best to try to influence others? Don't listen to the music-- hear what they are saying. It may shock you.

Stay strong and educate yourselves on the illuminati. You don't have to believe it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but remember this " For every positive there is a negative". God bless.

By anon156336 — On Feb 26, 2011

All it is, is the difference between old money and new money, and all of these pop stars and propaganda figures are new money.

People like the Kennedys are people who can call themselves freemasons, not even the Illuminati. these people have had power for year, power most can't understand. There's events that have taken place that you don't know that would blow your mind, information you couldn't even begin to fathom. It all has its roots in propaganda and the things that the people in true power allow you to know.

Look back at history and see all of the things society wouldn't even be able to imagine, but have been uncovered. As an elementary example: Nazis kept the holocaust, probably the largest known genocide, a secret to the rest of our world. There's bigger things to be discovered. people need to look outside of our bubble. You're ignorant if you think this ball of mostly hydrogen and a few evolved, mostly civilized animals is really worth much of anything in this inconceivably huge universe we live in, and maybe the surrounding universes and other dimensions that might exist.

By anon155098 — On Feb 22, 2011

OK, it is sometimes hard to believe some of these things but in a way i think it's possible, because people will do anything just to be famous and to be rich.

By anon151856 — On Feb 11, 2011

My curiosity in everything above me, and friends from school (a College of Music) brought me to these sites where I read about peoples opinions, and actually going to a website to join them and reading (the websites) links and information about the topic on hand, gives me two main feelings about the topic.

1) I find it amusing that the majority of people who have "God" belief posts don't even capitalize the G.. which is considered a traditional thing to do when you speak about your "God" so I therefore feel like even people who take a certain stance are actually leaning on something they truly must not have that much passion for.


2) It's a fair assumption that, depending on your stance for the greater good of mankind, either side would have extremely fair debates, (if you read supposed illuminati information, not just conspiracy theories) because in general we all want the world be be left at a better place for our youth, right?

So I guess my main idea I am trying to get out there is have faith in whatever you choose, (I personally have faith there *is* something greater than me), live your life following your belief system, work to help your surroundings and yourself/others. And in the end, your legacy goes on no matter how big or small.

By anon151161 — On Feb 09, 2011

Wow, a group of "wise men" controlling the fate of seven billion people and 194 countries? Haha I don't think so. Metal Gear makes more sense than this; a computer can more likely control the world, not some politicians and celebrities that are going to die in a few decades.

Oooh, if you listen to Lady GaGa and like to buy iPods and PS3's you must be some illuminati devil worshipper! People, just get off this website, and go live your life.

By anon151090 — On Feb 09, 2011

i reckon they get help from jinns...

By anon151063 — On Feb 09, 2011

The Illuminati, a myth, a vision, a "Gods" hand. I still don't fully understand this subject, I feel scared asking for the truth behind it all. I believe they are real. But they are going to fall at their peak. Dark days are coming, a simple game by FunCom possibly something the Illuminati are using to make themselves seem "cool”. My opinion? Define cool? Something of importance. Define Important? Something that is somehow acknowledged by a lot of people thus making it something of value.

I am Christian, but also I am open minded. If 2012 is real then the Illuminati are making themselves known from now. If we don't know about them now. It is because we’re still trapped in this fake inevitability which is secrecy.

By anon149754 — On Feb 05, 2011

the illuminati is evil like the devil himself.

By anon149750 — On Feb 05, 2011

after i read about the illuminati and what it is about,i found myself guilty because in some cases you are praising the devil and you don't even know because when you're listening to the songs you get attached to it and you have no clue.

By anon149170 — On Feb 03, 2011

Wow. LOL. You people need to get jobs or a hobby. The illuminati killed Michael Jackson huh? Lady Gaga is illuminati? We're all being mega controlled by a superpower?

A greedy doctor killed Michael Jackson with assistance from the drughead Michael Jackson. Lady Gaga is an entertainer and the crazier she acts, the more money she makes. The superpower is commercialism of products, trends and having to have what everyone else has.

Does the Illuminati exist? I don't know. It doesn't really matter. The boy scouts and Mensa are powerful clubs too, but that doesn't mean they rule the world. Chillax, people!

LOL. Illuminati killed Michael Jackson. If they have nothing better to do than prey on pop stars, I think we're all pretty much safe!

By anon147240 — On Jan 28, 2011

All i have to say is that illuminati is real. I see value in what they are doing and i see insanity. jay z and kobe are not illuminati.

By anon145596 — On Jan 24, 2011

The real reason why the illuminati was established? because of human pride! Remember the Tower of Babel. Religion? Human wisdom and pride also.

By anon144238 — On Jan 19, 2011

Is it possible that we humans believe in religions and secret societies to give our existence some sort of meaning? Because when you simplify the whole matter, we are merely living organisms doing what we can do survive.

One day, we will be alive the next we may be dead. This cycle will continue. We have created some sort of order (governments etc.) to ensure we can survive and prosper without the fear of being murdered.

It seems really we create these problems to give our existence a meaning when really it may not have one? Are we just organisms that have developed significantly intellectually that we find it necessary to think we must have a purpose on this earth?

Maybe we do, maybe we don't? If religion and the illuminati are what we humans need to to make sense of our existence, then i see no harm. Whether they are actually real or not is not the question. What we believe and perceive to be real is.

By anon143838 — On Jan 18, 2011

First, I love that this site says 'Post Anonymously'. lol. As if.

Second, illuminati is just a word. Re-lable it and people might feel more comfortable talking about it.

If anyone is truly 'awake' and reading this site then they know what happens when you can't wake up. Where are your batteries? Do they need charged or did some evil person steal them? Do your filters need changed?

If anyone knows what I am talking about then you are 'awake' and truth be told, I'd rather not be. The memories are too much to take, sometimes.

By anon143799 — On Jan 17, 2011

Guys, I think the illuminati can be good or bad. the original people just wanted knowledge ands some people of the illuminati want that. But there are the power hungry illuminati that are in conflict with the good.

By anon143397 — On Jan 16, 2011

I'm sick of everyone saying they're satan worshippers. They are not. they are a secret society of important people (including George Bush, Jay-z, and others) that control what happens in our world for example 9-11 (I'm not saying it was) possibly caused by the illuminati.

By anon142906 — On Jan 14, 2011

The illuminati are a real group of people. Anyone involved in the new age movement, or interested in spirituality, psychedelic experiences and expansion of consciousness knows it as fact. If you attend burns, you will meet the occasional illuminati member, and they are trouble. They try to destroy humanity and society from the inside out, because they believe there is inherent evil in the universe.

I have met several people deep in the illuminati, and it's really a very scary experience. They look at you with the knowledge of your past, of your spirit. They can really hurt you; they mess with your mind. They can make you feel helpless. Most of the people that believe in the illuminati only do so because of their unique experiences with the group.

Many illuminati members will stalk you and your family, and they will try to rule every aspect of your life if you get in too deep. There are things they don't want you to know. They want to convince you there is truth in your perceived insanity.

All I have to say is, don't convince yourself that something is impossible. Nothing is really impossible. Just seek the truth. You don't have to believe, just don't disbelieve. Be open minded. Have love for other people, seek wisdom. Try to understand why others think and behave the way they do, have empathy. Stop spreading hatred. Thanks.

By anon139736 — On Jan 05, 2011

let's not forget when hitler killed 4 million jews but was warned before it happened. if that was true, this might be.

By anon139039 — On Jan 03, 2011

the antichrist is here in the form of microchips and barcodes. somebody watches your every purchase. they paint a picture of one's life.

By anon137225 — On Dec 27, 2010

If there are cannibals and baby eaters out there, why can't there be all mighty powerful intellectual people who want to take over the world? Think about it: the world is full of corruption and greed, that it has to evolve into some sort of a higher echelon after so so many years.

By anon135549 — On Dec 19, 2010

it's all crap. i would have to agree with anon130089.

By anon133264 — On Dec 10, 2010

There are two sides to every story and the truth is always in the middle somewhere so i believe there is some truth in it all.

i believe in jesus and therefore have no worries but for the day he will return to take me home. we are all vessels -- empty, opened vessels always looking to be filled with more, always thirsty for life and love, easily controlled by society in some way or form.

we are all consumers but what do we let consume us? is it that new song or movie or clothing line or car? we are all controlled by something or someone but thank god for free will.

By anon131910 — On Dec 04, 2010

Yes it doesn't seem probable for the illuminati to be true it is very possible. My proof of the illuminati being possible is that we people are here.

By anon131538 — On Dec 02, 2010

okay so i was blinded before, but now i know that there are sick people out there who would rather have everything they want because the devil will give them that. well god can grant you the serenity to live forever and you're going to pass that up? wow. some people are just too worried about how much money they make and whats the coolest phones that are out.

there are people who don't have anything but are just happy because they have God in their lives! please people don't be so blind. the "illuminati" and the "new world order" are real. but i have faith in God so i know that he will protect me. just don't follow the bad in life.

people aren't perfect and we all make mistakes but just remember if you believe and ask for your sins to be forgiven, God will forgive you because he will always love you. you just have to have faith in him.

By anon130089 — On Nov 27, 2010

People want something to be afraid of. I don't understand how people don't feel completely ridiculous tying rappers and stupid aspects from music videos to the "illuminati". You think people are going to stop manufacturing things with triangles on them and completely change the face of the dollar bill because a clan of conspirators think it's evil?

This whole "illuminati" business just sucks people in and completely eliminates peoples' use of their common sense. Their music "takes you to another place" because they want you to buy their album and about Lady Gaga's blood in her music video -- wow. Let me guess: her meat dress somehow ties into all of this too, right?

This whole "illuminati" business is really displaying how gullible people in society really are. Ask someone what the illuminati stand for and what their purpose is and they'll explain it's something that can't be explained. That's because this conspiracy has been passed down, and thus been watered down.

I do believe that they once existed, but I refuse to believe that they are controlling society.

By the way, it's just sad for some people to use the movie Angels and Demons as their source of information. Do your research. Don't just base your reasoning off of Hollywood. They have awesome ways of convincing people of anything.

By anon128469 — On Nov 19, 2010

who honestly cares? we all are entitled to believe what we want, do what we want and say what we want. i believe in more of what you see and less of what you read and hear, the bible is fake. it's to control. schools are around for control.

think what the world would be like without that crap and work too. just imagine, it would be worse than what it is today. government or people or high horsepower and all that crap is already here. you all are blind. there's no devil, no nothing. sleep is the cousin of death. you dream because you're alive. after that, no black nothingness illuminati crap.

I think you all take it too seriously. we've been controlled since day one and half of you all believers are followers not leaders so you fall right into the illuminati anyway.

By anon127492 — On Nov 16, 2010

You guys like to play like you are in a movie. It's more exciting that way isn't it? One shadowy sect controls global government, financial institutions and makes decisions that will benefit only the members and negatively affect the 'public'? You seem to forget who the 'public' really is.

Stop depersonalizing and consciously alienating those who have legitimately earned money or success. The lower classes love to distance themselves and assume we have a greater agenda, or a more nefarious eventual plan, like cogs in a machine, and that we all club together to achieve something, when in reality we are simply human. We don't have the capacity, organization or frankly, desire, to want such a thing. We

want to live life the best we can, and yes there are some perks, i admit, some things you see differently and things change when you are but ultimately, our vision is never blinded.

It's all fun and games fantasising and theorising, but there comes a time when you need to stop pretending and act. The fragmentation in even a small company or organization and the many many interweaving and many times, conflicting links in one person's mind, one person's business, one person's home- let alone in a multi tiered, interpersonal and global network comprised of hundreds of thousands of these same individuals.

With corporations, offices set up that have a main priority of simply emulating or monitoring their competitor, employees with other priorities nobody can be sure what information is going to end up where, especially with this age of internet and darknets.

These cannot be tied together in such a way where a small group can have that much control, plugging all these unaccountable elements together and still hoping for anonymity. All these dependencies, all these risks -- it doesn't and can't work. Wake up and smell the coffee. Dink it and buy more of it because you want to.

By anon127485 — On Nov 16, 2010

Illuminati. Believe in it. It flows in the NBA. Kobe changed his number to 24. Why? 2+4 is 6. Then you got LeBron. He changed his number straight to 6. Before each game, LeBron does his "baby powder throw." That's really a thank you to the Illuminati. Remember Lady Gaga when she did her Bad Romance performance with all the "blood" and what not? That was her worshipping the Illuminati. Illuminati is for real.

By anon126789 — On Nov 13, 2010

maybe the illuminati is not active today but they may still exist!

By anon125880 — On Nov 10, 2010

I suppose something like the "Illuminati" could exist, but I don't know that it has much power right now. In the Bible it says in the book of Revelation that God will allow the antichrist and his buddies to take over and that is what the Illuminati is. I think they will have very little influence until the last seven years of the world, the Tribulation.

The antichrist will take over and basically seem like a "good guy" and get people to like him, but he will establish a new religion force people to worship him. Halfway through the Tribulation the antichrist will be indwelt by the devil, Satan. At the end of the Tribulation, god will prevail and take his people to Heaven and send the people who are not his followers to Hell, including the antichrist and Satan.

Read the book of Revelation. Also read the Left Behind books, because they will help you to understand all this better. God is good and real and will prevail in the end.

If you are a Christian, you do not have to fear the Illuminati/antichrist because even if you are brutally killed by them, you will end up in heaven.

God is truly real people! Read the Bible and follow him. The way our world is heading the Tribulation could happen in the near future, or maybe not, but it will happen sometime, so be ready. When you die you will know God is real because you will be in Heaven or Hell.

Scientific Proof of God/Creation (if it proves that Creation made the world, not evolution, God is therefore real).

By anon124565 — On Nov 06, 2010

Honestly i believe that there are people trying to take over. And bring about a new world order. However it will never work and I'm going to tell you why. Because this earth was created by Almighty God and he is the one who decides how things will turn out in the end.

I will not fear because i row with Jesus and if you will ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, you will not have to worry because he protects what he owns. He loves you so give your life to him today.

By anon124171 — On Nov 04, 2010

the illuminati is real and we will take over. enjoy your life as a "free" person. we are watching and we have control.

By anon124091 — On Nov 04, 2010

I cannot believe how many idiots are really out in the world we live in. Look up the demonic symbols and look at t.v., look at the music videos and see the demonic symbols in them. Shut your mouths and look for yourself. Did any of these unbelievers go to school? Were you taught to learn and think on your own-Free will as they say?

Open your eyes because, believe it or not you have a big surprise coming with signs of the devil appearing more and more. Think before you say stupid stuff please.

By anon123041 — On Oct 30, 2010

I think Illuminati works against Muslim and Islam.

By anon121342 — On Oct 24, 2010

Since high school I've read about the Illuminati. Now that I'm in college, I'm taking anthropology and some psychology subjects.

I think that this "Illuminati" people talk about displays how people will and will not process new information. It is highly impossible that an organization can control banks, governments, etc. That's just economics and sociology/pol sci 101 (take note a single entity) more so reptilian. I mean what? Reptilian? Did anyone here take up some bio lessons?

My introduction to anthro was even enough to debunk this. Please!

I'm just really disappointed that people believe this crap. New world order? You cannot run the world with a single organization. It simply will not work the way our society is run nowadays. This is simply fiction.

By anon120116 — On Oct 20, 2010

is there any real evidence, i.e., provable fact about this illuminati?

By anon119676 — On Oct 19, 2010

you are all getting brainwashed. you can't believe every thing you here or read on the internet. we try to help people who are in need and try to make our world a better place.

By anon119625 — On Oct 18, 2010

Illuminati doesn't worship God. They worship satan!

By anon119110 — On Oct 16, 2010

wow, up until yesterday i had no clue about any of this, so it's still very much a shock. it's so hard to believe, but all the facts are there. only when i listened to 25 to life by eminem i began understanding everything about the illuminati. honestly, this crap is scary.

By anon118698 — On Oct 14, 2010

I just want you to know that what they call ufos are really fallen angels who have been on the earth since the time of Noah. The Illuminati knows that but would not tell you so. Check out the book of Enoch and you would understand what is really going on.

By anon118550 — On Oct 14, 2010

illuminati is a group with one mission: to destroy religion. they are making the way for their king, the 'antichrist'. Study this folks. You will learn a lot.

By anon117537 — On Oct 11, 2010

i have only just found out about this stuff recently. i have always been an open minded person but actually sitting down and thinking of every little thing i do each day it seems that its more logical then god. organizations have been around for many years. religions are cults just like the illuminati. how can you say that doesn't exist yet what you believe is truth. religion is the biggest cult in the world and its all controlled by one group. look into it before you all say its true or false. just be open minded and free and see what's there and not what you're told to see.

By anon117521 — On Oct 11, 2010

Ever wonder why things aren't going well for you in your life? its because the illuminati in music is cursing us.

By anon116603 — On Oct 07, 2010

Illuminati is real!

who said that god is everything?

Of course, i believe in god, but i also believe in science as much.

god is a way to represent science. but the church puts god where science has not yet reached, so never differentiate between god and illuminati. They are the same.....

And illiminati is not bad! Nor is god, of course.

By anon115400 — On Oct 01, 2010

Look the world is not going to end in 2012. you people really need to read the bible and listen to what God really is saying. The world will end when he comes to pick up his church, not when some mayan calendar says it's going to end. that is just crap. stop believing what you hear and go to the source: the Holy Bible.

By anon114787 — On Sep 29, 2010

The Illuminati killed Michael Jackson. The Illuminati control the media, which influences the public. They put subliminal messages in movies, tv shows, local channels, and music.

They put messages about Satan in music. Led Zeppelin has many subliminal satanic messages.

They killed Michael Jackson because he didn't cooperate with the Illuminati. They injected him with a disease that turned his skin white. They called him a homosexual. They called him a child molester. They did everything to turn the public on Michael. But they still loved Michael. Then it got dangerous for Michael because he started to talk. He wanted to tell the public about his experiences.

Why would he make this up? He's already got enough money, don't you think. In the end they killed Michael Jackson because he was exposing their secret society. A secret society isn't secret if you know what you're looking for.

By anon113263 — On Sep 23, 2010

Okay first of all, if you believe In god and Jesus Christ, the one who created you and who created the earth, you won't be scared because the illuminati or whatever their name is have no power-- no power. The one who has the power is only Jesus Christ okay? so if you are scared go to the church and ask god to protect you. he is nice and he will protect you. follow his rules and he will always be by your side, okay?

By anon112234 — On Sep 19, 2010

if you think people are paranoid then obviously you guys need help. just because people believe in it doesn't mean some crazy crap is going to happen.

Obviously it's true if there's proof of celebrities throwing up the illuminati? Are you guys stupid? Do you guys think famous people do the same stuff because they think alike and they want to get rich off of people following what they do so the fans like them? Um, no, guess again. They do it because it's a secret little group/gang that sticks together. If it wasn't true then all of the celebrities wouldn't be able to get away with half of the stuff they do -- like being in a little gang. i thought gangs were illegal.

Famous people do as they please and nobody can stop them! The illuminati is true. They try and broadcast things so we can find out a little at a time to know what's going on. They're not going to put everything out. it wouldn't be a secret if they did. They try and broadcast stuff to let us know, but if you're not a smart person you're not going to find out and understand what they're trying to tell us with the little info they give us.

It's like a puzzle. They give us a little bit of info but you have to solve it and put 2 and 2 together so you comprehend everything they're telling us.

By anon110918 — On Sep 13, 2010

I just heard of this today and i got to say this is so dumb. How in the world are some rich people going to control our free will, and how are they going to control us?

I watch tv and listen to music all the time and at the end i still do what i want and believe what i want. Some people get too paranoid about the dumbest things. The illuminati don't rule the world. -MTZ.O

By anon110686 — On Sep 13, 2010

All of this is interesting, and has some half truths. There is something wrong with the world. And it will come to an end but they have the days mixed up it's Dec. 12, 2010 instead of the 21. Just a feeling I have.

By anon108541 — On Sep 03, 2010

There is still iluminati and they have satan on there side, but we have god! the end of the earth is near, where god comes down and overthrows the devil and all evil. just have faith and this will be over soon.

There is such thing ass magic and that is what the devil is using. just don't fall for his evil ways to get you to worship him.

By anon108478 — On Sep 03, 2010

No one on here encompasses the complete truth. As I have believed for years, there is a God, he just didn't directly create us. He created space which eventually led to the creation of what we know as the universe. As Steven Hawking has just confirmed is the combination of science and religion created us. So forget the illuminati and the relentless pursuit for knowledge. It will be the end of us.

By anon108423 — On Sep 02, 2010

I do not believe in any of this.

I'm 17 years old, and my friend just told me about this at school today. I immediately came home and looked up what the hell everyone was talking about.

You all can believe what you want to believe. I have no problems with anyone else's beliefs.

I just do not believe this. --smh.

By anon106146 — On Aug 24, 2010

Funny. This is exactly what God says in the Quran. Everything happening today was written millions of years ago by God. The hate, the torture, the persecution, the violence, the blame put on Muslims. Thank you Allah for warning us.

Christians need to love Muslims, and Muslims need to love Christians. We were all created by the same God, with respect to who you believe He is.

By anon103032 — On Aug 10, 2010

Yeah sure there is symbolism everywhere, even on tv. There is a war in front of us, but in the end, who always conquers who? The good guys always win. It looks like the bad guys are winning throughout the show or movie but one of those bad guys usually rebels and helps us out and we win the good guys.

I just recently learned all of this and the song that says everything is drop the world by lil wayne, but eminem, who is now not afraid, tells how to stop all of this in the song Cinderella Man.

By anon102464 — On Aug 08, 2010

I agree totally with anon32169. You are remarkably wise, i believe, and I pretty much think the same way you do.

I posted anonymously because i didn't want to make up an account but i probably would soon. But best wishes,

Love, Shalini

By anon101198 — On Aug 02, 2010

So it seems we have people who actually don't believe in the 'illuminati'. Truth is, sooner or later you'll find out for yourself. It's 'their' way of making people all jumbled up so they have more control when the time comes. And if the 'facts' are correct, that should be pretty soon. They'll launch their first attempt at seizure in 2012 -- the same year as the London olympics. Perfect, don't you think?

And for anon32225: They are of the sectarian jewish elite. They worship Satan. You'll learn in the end.

By anon101101 — On Aug 02, 2010

I'm sorry, but I can't believe these paranoid people who believe in this crap.

I mean, seriously, what am I reading?

Antichrist? Islam is a satanic religion? Lady Gaga, Obama, and other figures controlled by the Illuminati? Luciferian dictatorship? 2012? New World Order? Universities are under their control? T.V, music, and other sources of entertainment are brainwashing us?

Are you guys serious?

Get help. Oh my goodness, please get help!

Paranoia and fear twist and warps people's minds into believing in the most absurd things while simultaneously throwing common sense and reason out the window.

I cannot believe this. Way to kill my faith in humanity, people.

By anon100985 — On Aug 01, 2010

The science of making yourself a God. With the help and direction of Lucifer and through sacrifices and raping of five year olds. And eating babies. Sorry. Just kidding.

It's just really an illusion; are you in or out of the club, what would you do to be in the club, let's laugh at everyone who isn't in the club, and let's get away with whatever we like in the club, whatever floats your boat. They must have a dark soul to be in that club, so let's travel and freak some place out and set up some stunts, we have trillions to play hoaxes.

It's a bit like a rich family that has four children and they say here's a long and tedious game, it takes 1 month to complete, and if you leave it we will leave you to die here forever. You may get hungry or bored. If so, eat your brother Henry if you can catch him. Or disfigure barbie and draw a penis, make her disabled, and make an army if they take too long to take their turns.

I think that the fight over the holy lands is Africans, Asians, Jews, Reptilians (or similar), and they all disable each other. The ones who settle the majority of that area in the final days wins as the special dates approaches. But it isn't God that will be found there. (Just metaphors).

By anon100980 — On Aug 01, 2010

You can call me paranoid if you like, but I was aware of other realities from a young age. Tiny infant. At age four or five, I decided I didn't want to be here or to speak to anyone. I trusted no one. And I was fully aware of the evil dimensions around.

The feeling also of being watched from mirrors, as if a camera is running on you.

Anyway moving on, they are real, and there are various sections, some of which don't get on with each other. My friend claims we are watched by the TV and the PC and I thought he was out of his mind but it turns out this may well be true.

Nothing that you hear, watch or read is certain. The only sense you have left is your feelings and intuition. Sometimes this can also be intercepted!

Meditation can also link you up to the light media channel.

Let me explain about Disney. The super heroes I used to watch when I was a toddler, used to spin around my head laughing at me, while my mum watched TV laughing to herself and not spending time and caring for me. This was them laughing that they had control through the TV and taunting me as I tried to get to sleep.

The characters and whom they represent, are not good but evil, e.g. the Joker. Disney shows have plenty of double takes and double standards with non-whites, best of both worlds -when you wish upon a star your dreams come true. Fairy tales and all of this.

I do know that Newton had powers and that person was right above. They have provided us with what we are accustomed to today, but it doesn't mean that all the info is correct.

We are supposed to idolize people with money and power, but not realizing the only people who are allowed to get money and power are those who give a promise to someone, somewhere along the line. Many musicians come to this point who genuinely want to make good music -make bad music. I have no idea what happened with Jesus but I don't believe the New Test. I know there is a big mystery there.

I seem to read that the trinity is to do with the times which are coming. I don't think the earth or universe is three dimensional, big clues in Simpson's LOL we always pray up to the sky, but I'm not entirely sure it's God who receives our wishes. One God gives you power when you ask for it. And I fail to see how this could be our God who hates greed and murder. It could only be the other. Perhaps there are many.

Intention is really the most important thing, honestly, acceptance, trying to move on and forward. And doing your best. The trouble is that your judgment begins to get a little cloudy.

People who say none of this matters, well not in everyday life no, someone will always be in control. But don't you care about others and don't you care about your future generations, pleasure in pain, sacrifice and terrible suffering, disease, trials, experiments?

I also would like to mention Ezekiel and whatever Hitler used to say. And the fact he used dead people's skin for his lampshades. Some power from the light of their skin. Blue eyed Aryans' fascism and different types of Jews. I think there are about four different types of these organizations and either section can win. And sometimes they come together/work together under the same rule.

It's true as mentioned above that we are the ones who are greedy and behave in a way that leads the world to disaster and through ignorance. But they don't mention their advertising campaigns and that we are taunted into it and they still hold all the cards and information so how can we help it except as mentioned we could possibly join.

My best advice is to forget the bible, the TV, music, and travel around, talk to people and make people laugh and feel good. And respect animals. And all mankind. We are all, after all, doing what we believe is right. And we have a little bit of angel dust should we care to believe and use it. Please forget the bible, and prepare yourselves for what's ahead. And believe in the power of you!

By dcforlifesk8 — On Jul 19, 2010

Look-- the illuminati doesn't exist anymore. These conspiracies have your heads screwed up. So are you going to tell me that you're going to listen to some idiot that puts up an online video called "illuminati nwo" and you believe in it? People, it's called twisting the truth. Anybody can do it.

I can say that my family is in the illuminati and you would believe me. But the question is "How do you know?". And I'm very sorry but I'm really mad. Come on people, we're better than this. We're Americans. And if there was an "illuminati" and there is going to be a "nwo" what are you going to do to stop them?

By anon97040 — On Jul 18, 2010

I think human kind are insane. how can you just choose to sell your soul to the the devil? Please people, the Almighty God created us all. Please it's not to late to believe in him. with God everything is possible.

By cherry12 — On Jul 09, 2010

malachi 4:11 mentions hell. the jw are a part of the illumniati. they have the same teachings. i studied with every religion. i know what are the masons teachings because i have family members who are in the illumniati and mormons and jw have their teachings.

By anon94036 — On Jul 06, 2010

First of all, hell is not real, second, jehovahs witnesses is not part of illuminati. neither are a secret society so stop hating because you're different.

By lance84 — On Jul 04, 2010

First of all, just so you don't think I'm like the devil in disguise, I was born a christian, and I think that I have lived a pretty moral life so far. And ever since I was a small I have always been interested in religious texts, from christianity, judaism, Islam, etc.

OK, where was I again? Oh yeah, the point here is that I think that most of us have largely mistaken what the illuminati is, mostly, because of all the misinformation out there, and especially because of all these conspiracies and stuff! It's like a maze out there, and almost every theory has holes in it. Nothing can actually seem to tell us what it is that is happening! Not even religion.

Religion was supposed to bring us into a world of peace, but 3000 years later things are worse than ever, and still we all wait for the second coming of a prophet to help us, and in the meantime we just get screwed.

OK, just stay with me here. It will seem quite radical at first, but it's mostly because we're all quite committed to our belief structures and presumptions, and our beliefs tend to restrict us from certain things, such as actually helping yourself and putting a stop to the evil.

Now, in the case of the Queen and the royal family, who are known to be at the top of the illuminati (13 blood lines and all), are still in power to this day, alongside those other sick groups like the Rothschilds, Bush family, Jay Z, etc. In fact, the royal family are supposedly only in power because they believe that God appointed them as our leaders. Crazy, huh?

Now, the royal family's power goes back (don't quote me) maybe 2500-3000 years, almost as old as religion. Now, ask yourself this: how do we know that this was not all constructed by them (the people in power today)? In fact, how do we not know that this entire world was constructed by the evil 13 blood lines, in order to gain power and hold it?

We have all taken on board religion and its beliefs with absolutely no logical (the constant contradictions), or strong factual bases. And the answer is quite simply, that we don't know -- we take it on faith.

By the way, I still love and cherish Jesus; I just think that religion has twisted everything he said and did. I like the idea of believing that which the church hides from us, which is - God lives within each of us!

We can clearly see that none of us really knows how to get out of this trap or corrupt world, apart from waiting for the second coming which religion tells us. I mean, its arguably like the perfect prison- the one which we choose, because we are so scared of ourselves and living without religion.

Now my point here being is that I think the mainstream idea of the illuminati has been perverted or say twisted, to keep us scared from making an actual stand against these corrupt sick jerks who have controlled the world for centuries, e.g. the free masons, skull and bones, royal family, illuminati, etc.

The illuminati has been split up into many groups; evil and good, and both want to create a new world order. The good side wants to create a world of peace, and the other - the one that Bush and Obama is pushing is for simply for slavery.

You see, it's much more complex than we actually think - like we probably knew it was going to be, and more complex than what these conspiracies tend to point us towards. You see most conspiracies, are fairly true - for the most part, but are generally formed on speculations, which we take on board so easily, because on one hand it's partly true, and on the other hand it's because were so desperate to know what the hell is actually going on.

I say only trust your heart, and the goodness of mankind, and don't be afraid to drop everything that you've ever been told because you can no longer trust this crappy evil world.

Plus, don't forget: it's the side that wins the war that gets to write history.

By anon92186 — On Jun 26, 2010

I just started reading things about the Illuminati through music artist like jay-z and others. Then when my friends started talking about it, I realized that satan was the angel of music and music is something that we all listen to.

Think about it: when you listen to your favorite music it takes you to another place. it puts you in a different state of mind. now if music is that powerful, and satan was the angel of music, then putting two and two together, with some of the music that is out today like Rihanna and Wayne and Jay-Z, just listen to the lyrics read them.

All i know is that this made me more aware of the spirits around me waiting to manifest..

On a lighter note: For those who do believe that God sent his son Jesus to take away the sins of world and He was betrayed by the very people whom He was sent to save and three days later He lived. If you believe that and are a little frightened by the things you discover remember ! John 4:1 " Greater is he that is within me than he that is within the world."

God is not weak, nor does he fail, nor does he mislead. In the end we win.

By anon91714 — On Jun 23, 2010

Wow I've been asleep. what is going on in this world or better yet on this planet? there is something strange going on in the midst of us. i don't even care about what the illuminati is, but after seeing and reading and hearing things about people selling their souls or joining these private groups or organizations for the fame they're after is a bad thing.

I've been checking out different sites and web addresses that talk about this new world order. I need to know more.

By cherry12 — On Jun 21, 2010

i was talking to the 14 year old. I like that she trying to know God.

By cherry12 — On Jun 21, 2010

First of all, yes! Wveryone is entitled to their own opinion, but when someone says God is starting the NWO with man's government, it really makes me mad because he has nothing to do with man's government -- only the heavenly government!

And this is my mouth and i will say what i want!

I don't give opinions. I only give facts!

By anon91384 — On Jun 21, 2010

one man, one land. the creator of all things no name.

By anon91271 — On Jun 21, 2010

who are you referring to, because i believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

By cherry12 — On Jun 20, 2010

first of all god does not do any new world order; Freemasons only with the govt does that. god doesn't have anything to do with this world. satan is ruling it. God did not leave it but he is letting satan rule until he kills him. mankind chose satan when they killed jesus.

The NWO has been around for years way before America's time, but the Antichrist will bring it because he is Satan.

Besides You are save by Grace and God's belief, like God said.

Jesus said he will be killed by Gentiles and the government, not the Jews

God is not behind the government. only a person who didn't read the bible would say that.

So read the Bible!

God will kill those who killed his son Jesus.

Anyone with the teachings of the Pharisees and Scribes and Sadducees will get hurt because God made that clear. OK

By anon91026 — On Jun 19, 2010

I'm 14 years old too, or whatever, but i believe that illuminati can't any more real than we make it, but i hate for people to compare this to the Bible. the bible is a word from our personal savior.

I believe God is doing all this "nwo" junk for a reason. The reason could be just to see who makes the right decision. I could be wrong but he has a purpose and it will come in time, just mark my words. He will stop this thing when He, "God" gets ready. He ended the world before and he can do it again and can't no illuminati do that for us.

Just think did the illuminati get on the cross and rise again for our sin? no. The one and only and i can admit when i first read about this i was kind of hooked up but I just put my trust in God the one who has the last say so in every thing. Throough christ you can do anything.

By anon91023 — On Jun 19, 2010

I am an agnostic atheist myself and I do believe that everybody has the right to believe in whoever they choose to believe in. Every religion is different and that is the unique thing about this earth. Not faulting Christians, Baptist or any religion that believes in God, but it also says not to judge but some of the God worshippers, but be the first one to tell you that you're sinning and you have to answer to your maker when you want to get in heaven.

What makes you 100 percent right when there are so many religions with one god, many gods or no gods at all.

Everybody's story is just that -- a story they choose to believe. I can let you preach to me till you are blue in the face as I let you say "in this bible it says" and I will tell you that is a story you believe and I was not there.

So don't go downing someone else's religion because it is not what you believe in. I myself like being atheist because at the end of the day we have no book to judge you on. We don't call you sinners and tell you you're going to hell for not believing in science.

So open your eyes and be open minded. You are not the only people with a religion. It's nice to learn about other religions. Before I dedicated myself to atheism I took it upon myself to research every religion possible and what i learned was amazing but not for me.

Sometimes it's nice to learn. you're not disrespecting your God while learning, especially if you continue to worship him.

By anon89723 — On Jun 11, 2010

I bought some documents on the black market that were stolen from stronghouses of illuminati activity. Basically it just suggests a lot of banking activity in the middle east and africa. Who knows what's up? Don't care really, I probably won't be alive when it all happens. They are not for sale, but maybe one day I can blackmail someone.

By anon89543 — On Jun 10, 2010

illuminati has relations with Freemasonary.

It is not a dream but a bad truth.

Unfortunately now our universities are controlled by them so we have been learned to look world as their world view.

By cherry12 — On Jun 07, 2010

First of all, the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons are all secret Society religions. they have the same belief as the Illuminati, same as Freemasons. No one killed jesus but the government and the Pharisees and scribes, they were illuminati. the Illuminati is brhind everything. Read the bible people. jesus said Gentiles and the government will kill him so trust no one.

By anon88759 — On Jun 07, 2010

OK this is for all the bible supporters and believers in god. There might or might not be an Illuminati but if the illuminati was created by people to scare or bring hope to other, this means that the bible or any other religious text could have been invented and made up by people also for the same purposes.

It is only one's choice to believe books and stories from the past because all we can truly be sure of are the things we experience personally. The world is what we make of it and if people need religion, conspiracies, or stories to make their life worth while that does not make them true. We humans will continue to create stories whether they change the world or just make some someone smile but to know if what the story depicts truly happened is solely based on every individual's mind.

By amypollick — On Jun 02, 2010

@Anon87795: I disagree on one point: God is quite able to take care of the illuminati, if such a thing exists, without any help from humans. He can fight that battle without our help. He is all-powerful, remember.

I believe our role in this is to be loving witnesses to all people, and to show them God loves them and offers them salvation.

By anon87795 — On Jun 01, 2010

I believe in God. He is the creator of all humans, even Satan. God gives us hope and he knows why things are the way they are and he knows the future.

It's just like they say: things have to get worse before it can get better. God is real. You may not be able see him -- he is a spirit. people who don't believe the day judgment day comes are the same people who are going to be begging to be saved.

There's a battle going on with good and evil. every day things are becoming clear and because i have faith in God, God is going to take over what the others are trying to destroy. God put the earth here so he has the right to what he likes, and Satan has no right to what he wants to do. God is music, words and touch and is the power of everything.

Satan destroys. He laughs at the poor and he makes the ill get sicker. And for all this illuminati, it is out there and it's a thing you can't ignore.

Be a helper for God and help him fight the battle. OK, fine. God is powerful but he would need the help to fight the battle with the illuminati. Look how you hear if you try to come out of illuminati, they will destroy your life. God now always gives you a chance to redeem yourself, not destroy.

there is more to say but i won't say any more. i will give other people a chance to say on the matter. God bless you all.

By anon87585 — On May 31, 2010

After recent research, it has come to me that the Illuminati are using the one thing the world loves to portray their image: the media.

The celebrities we all love and respect are becoming the ones to be under control of this secret organization. The well known Lady Gaga has been a recent notice. She has occult themes in her videos.

The well known 'All Seeing Eye' was on the backdrop while she performed on stage. Also to do with the eye, why is it she does the constant pose of covering one eye?

The worst video beaming out symbolism of the Illuminati was 'Bad Romance'. Look up 'Lady Gaga Illuminati puppet' for further information. She has been brainwashed, and is being used to do exactly the same thing to her fans. They want to be her. They want fame. They want to be known, so that when they die it will be headline news.

So how come many musicians have died in our past? Nobody knows. They have either been rumoured to have killed themselves or to have died after a battle with an illness. Now it may just be me, but the illuminati have control over any medical research that occurs.

Has anybody watched the recent videos, read the recent articles etc about the vaccines they are beginning to administer? I do not think that the deaths of celebrities were all accidents, suicide or illness related. Musicians, actors, and many other big name figures are beginning to reach the end of their lives, before their time, leaving fans devastated, citizens angry over the occurrence etc. Then it creates yet more 'research' into 'cures' for illnesses.

It creates more 'psychological development into why suicide happens. It lets the media tell us that being vaccinated is correct. Brainwashing the community that they too need that vaccine. Example, the HPV vaccine. The Human Papillomavirus is so common that it occurs naturally in the body of a woman when she is sexually active.

By anon85932 — On May 22, 2010

I can't believe this. I'm 14 years old, and now, as scared as I am to admit it, I have no idea what to believe. I'm scared of Jesus Christ because they preach that he has the power to send me to hell of I do something that he doesn't like.

I'm scared to believe in the Illuminati because I have no idea what kind of measures they'll use to get what they want. I know it's ignorant and childish for me to say because there are smarter people then me out there but I believe we as humans won't get anywhere because of what we conjure up in our heads. I took Reality, then I took the Bible, and then I took Human Mentality. We are making the Illuminati as real as we make Jesus to be.

And as for Obama and Jay-Z and what not, they are both better than we could ever wish to be, and so, me being the next generation I believe that we should respect them bar none.

But I really don't know where to turn now because we all know deep down inside that they're out there and they're watching us and we can't do anything but sit at our little computers and post about it.

We will always run to the bigger beings because man can only: observe, analyze, and rearrange, and fortunately we are incapable of creating miracles like The Lord Jesus. Such is the law. And so is reality.

By anon85653 — On May 21, 2010

As an atheist myself I would just like to say that if you were all rich and didn't know what to do with it all you would join it too.

Just because you don't believe it is right doesn't mean other people don't. And, for all the people that posted stuff about God and Christianity, you should be ashamed because in the bible itself it says to never push your own religion onto someone else. You just sinned! ha. but just for real think about it harder, there are always two sides to every story.

By anon85586 — On May 20, 2010

the Illuminati is crap. we don't need a group of people to control what people should view or not, so stop censoring the world. they don't exist. i am sorry, but it's a bunch of crap that the government wants us to believe. we don't need a group of people who deny their own existence to tell us what to believe.

By anon85286 — On May 19, 2010

illuminatis are bad people! they just get brainwashed and expect others to follow their pathetic religion and this is coming from a true believer!

By anon85082 — On May 18, 2010

Does anyone really think they are bad? as you go to work for your family to house and protect them! the same as the world elite do. in my eyes just looking after what they've got! can't fault them!

By anon84687 — On May 17, 2010

See, this is their ultimate goal to create a rift between people,or some sort of a doubt in our minds, and I must say we make it very easy for them.

Just believe in yourselves and your faiths and be good to each other, then no such thing can survive on the earth.

By anon84456 — On May 15, 2010

Why should I be concerned about a group that doesn't exist? Or, if it does exist, where is the evidence of its existence?

By anon83210 — On May 10, 2010

This whole thing is really perplexing. Let's look it in both ways: we are not to pinpoint the wrong doers, but to secretly correct them. The only thing I've noticed is that everyone who is associated with this thing is rich, which brings another statement: God doesn't want us to be rich or wealthy.

Revelation in the Bible says in the end of the world there will be a lot of propaganda (untrue statements about life). There will be incurable sickness, wars from every direction.

My point is that we should not be focusing on pin-pointing the wrong doers; instead we should focus on getting closer to God and encouraging each other not to lose hope.

By amypollick — On May 09, 2010

Anon82821: I never said the Bible was written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I said they were the authors of the Gospels. I also said biblical scholars are pretty much agreed -- not that this was definitive in any way. There are good arguments for and against this point of view, which are entirely too lengthy for a post like this. The point I was making is that St. Paul did not write the entire Bible. He didn't.

In any event, this article is not about who wrote, or didn't write, the Bible. It is about the Illuminati, which I don't care two hoots about to start with. If they exist, they exist. If they don't, they don't.

By anon82821 — On May 07, 2010

um amypollick the bible was not written by the people named Matthew Mark Luke and John, these were just names hat were popular throughout the world at their times on earth. Some were written by doctors and physicians, others by Gentiles. the only one we really know that was written by the correct name was John Mark, who wrote the Gospel of Mark.

By anon81162 — On Apr 30, 2010

The Illuminati is still around, I know.

Sadly though, they are no longer well organized or responsible for anything.

However, there is a conspiracy group in control of the United States that is often referred to as the Illuminati, but they have nothing to actually do with the original Illuminati. And against what many claim, they have no actual attachment to the original Illuminati.

By anon80518 — On Apr 27, 2010

Dear #69: You are aware that it was primarily ancient Asian cultures that ever worshipped anything reptilian, right?

By anon80516 — On Apr 27, 2010

The books of the bible were written by approximately 27 different people over a period of several hundred years. So please, before you open your mouth, do even a slight amount of research.

By anon80098 — On Apr 26, 2010

The Illuminati is real, and is indeed a secret society that will create One World Government,(New World Order). This is also mentioned in the Bible frequently.

For those who believe this guy who says the bible was written by Paul, you are wrong. This guy has just fallen into what satan wants you to believe. The bible says that it will be the end when there is a One World Government.

George Bush even said something in a video. Just believe. (George Bush, Illuminati, New World Order) Check it out anywhere.

For those who do not believe, i wish i could change your faith, but unfortunately that job is not for me. Never try to justify your belief to anyone. Just read the bible and find out for yourself. Stoney

By anon80014 — On Apr 25, 2010

The babble is a tribal document that has been passed down, added too, subtracted from etc. It is not the word of God, but the word of man. End of story.

By anon78604 — On Apr 19, 2010

There is nowhere in the bible that says it only has one author. Some of the books are named after their author. And some such as Psalms written by king david are not named after their author.

By rhein — On Apr 17, 2010

i miss this site! welcome back.

By amypollick — On Apr 15, 2010

Anon77676: Um, excuse me. You don't know nearly as much about the Bible as you think you do. It wasn't all written by St. Paul. The Old Testament, or the Jewish scriptures, had been around for several hundred years when Paul was born. So that's out.

Real biblical scholars are pretty much agreed that the authors of the Gospels are the ones whose names appear at the top: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Paul has several books credited to him, true. These are letters which deal with how to live a Christian life, according to the teachings of Christ. It is true that his writings comprise the majority of the New Testament. But he is by no means the only author, and no Bible scholar of any merit thinks he is. I don't know who you talked to, but my college classes in biblical studies never even hinted at that idea. And that's from a state university, not a religious university, so you probably need to go back and do some more research.

As for the existence of the Illuminati, my take is: who the blazes cares? Conspiracy theories have run rampant in every society since the beginning of civilization. Someone always has "secret" knowledge of one sort or another. Big deal. This secret knowledge doesn't impress me much. Besides-- in this day and age, if anyone knows anything, it will eventually end up on the Internet, so I'll be informed one way or another.

Need to go stock up on my tinfoil. Those illuminati/alien/mothership brain waves might catch up with me any minute.

By anon77676 — On Apr 15, 2010

What do you people really know about your own bible? believe in your bible you say? do you believe that the bible is from the teachings of Jesus? Think again.

I have gone through bible, asked several priests, vicars, archs about the bible, we have tons of different bibles. on study I find that our bible has so many contradictions.

And if we begin to think that the bible are from the teachings of Jesus, then we are all obviously wrong.

The bible that the christians read is all written by St. Paul! Is he mad or something?

Now I am beginning to think. Since we read the bible, which is written by St Paul the idiot, our faith are not strong, and that is why Illuminati are formed and recruits the people easily. Among them are also atheists.

Now I want the teachings of Jesus! From his own words! I want the INJIL not the Testaments crap!

By anon77358 — On Apr 14, 2010

all this illuminati stuff is lies and just another satanic web to rope in more victims. our father in heaven is the only true god jehovah. it's sad that people easily get mislead to believe lies,untruths. yep, satan keeps fooling the world and pulling more humans away from the truth.

By anon77242 — On Apr 13, 2010

Glory to G_d in the highest!

Jesus has risen and took the keys of Sin and Death from Lucifer! And the Holy Spirit is our comforter in these sad, sad, times.

But Blessed be to G_d, for he is the Creator and the Destroyer!

How dare these people do these evil things to God's crowning achievement (humankind).

Those who are used by Satan, will be deceived by him.

For further validity for the young people like me, just look at the Damien episode of Southpark.

People bet on Satan, but even Satan bets on Jesus! Satan is the deceiver and he knows he can't win, but will try to bring us all down because he knows he can't win. Have faith in Jesus alone!

By anon76785 — On Apr 12, 2010

I am quite frankly amazed by the amount of "open your eyes!" and "the antichrist is coming!" stuff here. I'm sorry to say, you don't know squat about the Illuminati.

There have been many forms of the Illuminati and they were all formed for different purposes, but as far as we all know the latest was the Bavarian Illuminati. They formed because they wanted to almost re-create the American civil war, which in turn they would come to save the day and act the good guy, but in the long turn would not work out to be true. The conspiracy theories that they were satanic is true, but I must say when the word 'Satanic' is used, we all do think about devil worshipping fiends who dance around a fire shouting "Lucifer the great!", or something along those lines.

Well my friends, that isn't the case. When they say satanic, overall they basically mean atheist, because satanic (in that term) actually means educated men who have in some way been enlightened. In this case, that means the Illuminati knew secrets that give them power and because they were secrets we don't know what some of them were, I think some have been shared.

For all of you saying the Illuminati are still around today using rappers as their little workers, I'm sorry to say you have been pulled in by one of those conspiracy buffs who has spent hours imagining a 'legit' story. Truth is if you believe the Jay Z conspiracy, that the hand symbol of the pyramid is Illuminati, assuming the majority of you have seen the videos online, you are terribly wrong. The pyramid with the all-seeing eye isn't anything to do with the Illuminati, and it isn't actually anything to do with the freemasons either. Again that's another conspiracy buff's story gone wrong.

All in all there have been many forms of the Illuminati, some for the good and some for the bad, but trust me they died out years ago.

By anon76298 — On Apr 09, 2010

The article was well written but the really entertaining thing was the posts submitted. They were extremely funny.

Reading comments from the ordinary person never stop amazing me. For anyone enlightened reading this I will leave you a riddle to enjoy:

What am I?

The invisible hand beware, we are the masters of the physical world.

By anon76021 — On Apr 08, 2010

OK people listen. this is true and some of the most coolest people supposedly are in this, and those secret societies like the masons and freemasons are all just branches all being controlled by this illuminati.

I'm for real, so read all about it and gain knowledge because i read in this book about the new world order and it is scary. It also referenced a huge secret society highly tied in with worshippers of satan. This is creepy but We must be informed/

By anon76000 — On Apr 08, 2010

Perhaps we can look at this objectively, instead of using our own embedded prejudices. Best way is to use metaphors as a device to liberate our thoughts on the matter.

Metaphorically, "golf" and "tight rope walking" best describes the philosophy behind the illuminati group. Knowledge, wisdom and truth gets the ball across the "field of life" into the small hole for the finish! Or, as our buddhist friends call "Single-Pointedness!"

Illuminati members are truth bearers and also truth tellers, which is pretty far-reaching for a lot of Christians today, including myself! Holla.

By anon75866 — On Apr 08, 2010

I am deeply disappointed that beyonce and barack are part of it. I really couldn't care less about the others.

By anon75805 — On Apr 07, 2010

I don't give a crap about this illuminati nonsense and all that stuff. All i know is that i have my Bible and i know that I'm following God. I don't care what people say about my religion. In my opinion, i do think illuminati is a secret world order, and in my opinion, are Satanists or any other sort of nonsense, and i don't stand for them.

i think they use heavily influential people such as Jay-Z and/or other huge music artists. Music is a big part of many people's lives, and we all know that Satan was a great musician. So what a perfect way to get people influenced.

I believe in the bible because things in it that are predicted came true, and it's because I've been following it since birth. Predictions further my influence on my religion and i am getting closer to God. Read your Bible, folks.

By anon75779 — On Apr 07, 2010

I'm 12 and I'm researching them for my own purpose to try and stop the government in 2012. It is believed if we stop them that the world will be peaceful unowned and no terrorism.

i believe if we vote against the illuminati we can make world peace but we must stop them ASAP as most of the american presidents are members such as the current president Barack Hussein Obama.

By anon74841 — On Apr 04, 2010

I don't know. The more i think of it the more unreal it seems. Here are good people in a secret society. i don't know. really this is freaky.

By anon74836 — On Apr 04, 2010

God is real people.

By anon74700 — On Apr 03, 2010

I think people are forgetting how or why Tupac Amaru Shakur died.

It's so obvious the involvement of rappers and heavy metal bands with the Illuminati, masons and all that, let's just call them the oppressors.

I saw right here someone said that 97 percent of the rappers are in it. I totally agree.

You should listen to reggae and tupac. Bob Marley was spreading the word his own way (word of love). i have never heard or found any band of reggae involved with the oppressors, Jah bless us all.

Thank Jah the rappers of my country (Brazil) are not in it or don't even know about it.

My actual beliefs have everything to do with the movie "The Fourth Kind".

I strongly believe that five or six thousand years ago we where visited by some outer space civilization that helped us get where we are.

Why do all the cultures in the world worship the snakes, dragons, and other reptilians alike?

I personally don't believe in hybrid reptilians, but there's something funky about that, no doubt.

Also think about those people five thousand years ago, think about the mentality they had. For example, if they saw an energy entity or something like that, or if they saw someone with some sort of laser gun wouldn't they call them gods? The God of lightning for example.

The hypothesis that i reflected on was: The cosmos is enormous, and all of you would agree with me if we say that we are not the only intelligent and ancient civilization.

Now think of this world as the universe. We are the most advanced (spiritually and technologically) species, and we feel responsible for the so called inferior beings. We even interfere when there's danger of extinction.

Wouldn't a supposed advanced civilization, who had much more knowledge of everything interfere here with us?

We are important for them in the same way the animals and plants are important for us, so that is what i think.

The illuminati knows about it and is hiding everything. Anybody can dig for information about that, all the history of all the extinct cultures in the world tells us that.

Strange people with strange objects, search it up for yourself.

There's also theories that they genetically manipulated us back then "And God made man in his own image."

So maybe they are our gods and they created us.

But now you should ask yourself: who created them? And who are the creators of their creators?

You will eventually bump into the world famous question "Which came first -- the egg or the chicken?"

By anon74663 — On Apr 03, 2010

Man couldn't think his way out of a paper bag! We didn't create ourselves and neither did the illuminati create us. So how could they know what's best for man in this world?

Can the illuminati explain creation? If my car breaks down, I don't take it to a bank because it's full of money. The banks don't specialize in fixing cars or humans, so why would I team up with them?

They are not of God because they do not love! Control is not love. The Word of God says that His children will be known by their fruit that they bring! God always leaves you with your free will.

Satan is a deceiver,who takes away your free will through deception. He that has an ear, let him hear!

Glory to the Almighty, true and living God, and His son Jesus Christ, our only savior. Except a man be born again by water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven.

By anon74115 — On Mar 31, 2010

I'm really puzzled up about this whole thing and it's scaring me at the same time because i hear so much weird stuff about their satanist beliefs and i hear that a lot of teenagers are also falling into this trap.

I just hope its not true because i like some of these artists' music and i hear that they are using their music to pass on the massage and the different signs that jay-z and authors portray on their music videos.

By anon73978 — On Mar 30, 2010

this one is to the user jesus christ. dude wake up. god is only as real as you make him. i really hope you don't waste your life believing in something that may not exist, only to find out that you were wrong and you wasted your whole life!

anyway believe what you want; don't let it dominate you though. god may exist and he may not, but is is kind of stupid to "not live" your life in fear of some sin you may do casting you into hell.

also there is no god and no devil. what there may be is a higher being that i doubt created us for the purpose of standing around worshiping him all day. nor do i believe the devil is anything more (if he even exists) then a young child of god who does not get along with his father rather then some evil sinister creation hell bent on world domination. grow up people!

believing in this kind of crap is why the human race will never move forward! oh and this one is also to jesus christ (user): whatever you believe dude, keep it to yourself please.. i find your statements of "god is the only way to go" quite insulting, god (if he exists) does not deal in absolution. nether should you!

By anon73773 — On Mar 29, 2010

The Illuminati is indeed real, but the only thing you guys have got wrong is that that Illuminati is working against the Vatican. The truth is, the Illuminati is working with the Vatican.

You don't believe in them because they don't want you to believe, plain and simple, and you don't' have to be a conspiracy theorist to believe so.

By anon73203 — On Mar 26, 2010

this is ridiculous.

so what if others worship something else? i mean really, the real illuminati group started hundreds of years ago, and i think you are all just paranoid if you think celebrities are in on it. You all need to loosen up and get on with your lives, seriously.

i don't even see what's wrong with the so-called illuminati group anyway.

By anon73194 — On Mar 26, 2010

This is my first time reading about the Illuminati and all these conspiracy theories but i just wanted to say to all you people who are saying, "God is good. Believe in god and you will be OK. the Illuminati is fake"

Well, you are saying the Illuminati is fake because why? Because you don't believe in it. The Illuminati concept is the same as the concept of God. You believe in god because the Bible says he is real, because the church says he is, because you believe. So why are people who believe in the Illuminati so crazy for believing?

The Illuminati is an actual, documented group, from a different time period of course, but still real at one point in time. What documentation is there for God other than your belief?

By anon72646 — On Mar 23, 2010

God is the one who knows everything and anything. in the future and in the past. Love God. Seek God every day. God loves you all.

By jesuechrist — On Mar 23, 2010

you don't have to be smart. as a matter of fact, they prey on the weak. You do not have to be a scientist, just a brain to control.

By jesuechrist — On Mar 23, 2010

open your eyes people. the devil is working through t.v. and then some. He has our favorite superstars to prey on us. wake up please. spread the word. we need to stand up and not let this evil take over. God is the only way to go. If you have to stop watching t.v. please do so for our children's sake. And no music videos.

By anon71517 — On Mar 18, 2010

this website is so helpful. it really shows what the illuminati is about.

By anon70641 — On Mar 15, 2010

listen people: when it comes to the end god is not going to go around and ask for your religion name tag. all he wants is us to love and serve him and do on to others as unto your self. Peace out!

By anon70419 — On Mar 14, 2010

If you all want to stand there with your eyes shut that's fine. The truth is they do and have existed since the creation of their order, hence why communist countries celebrate on the 1st of May -- not because it's key to them but it's the founding of the illuminati anniversary disguised the same as christmas is just the winter solstice.

they have been pointed at in recent rap songs because the people singing in those songs are boule artists and are very closely associated with the freemasons, who we already know have been infiltrated as has the catholic church.

If you want to see what I mean, then look at the three city states of washington (military), london (financial) and vatican (spiritual) and you will see they already control the lot!

I'm not demanding anyone believe me because I know you'll either find out yourselves or be too apathetic to even look.

We call people like you sheeple and you will be the first to be shocked just as when people were warned about hitler or when galileo discovered the earth was round. People would rather stick with what feels safe and are prepared to be bigoted and torture folk for being clever and driven enough to seek the truth and follow the breadcrumbs.

I know what side I am on: ours! the people of this world, humanity, freedom -- the things my ancestors shed blood for and gave the ultimate sacrifice for. will you do the same to keep the gift they gave?

By anon68317 — On Mar 02, 2010

Illuminati -- they plan to have the antichrist's throne ready for him, which is located in israel. This is why the 9-11 attacks took place to slowly protect israel where the throne awaits.

if the illuminatis represent evil, islam represents the good. if you look into islam and the story of dajjal, you'll have a much better understanding of what is to come.

the big picture is simply the battle between good and evil. only satan has forgot, it was god who created him, and he is the best of the planners. hopefully this has put some light on the darkness in peoples hearts about islam. do your own research, and turn off the biased news channels. see what islam is really about like i did.

By anon68252 — On Mar 01, 2010

i really feel like all this illuminati crap is crazy! i really think that this is just a lot of stuff to get people all worked up. with all of the things that are being said then people turn around and say it's not true.

Well all i know is God is what's true. There is no one like the Lord Jesus Christ. If this illuminati stuff is really worshiping satan, you all really should take a second and think and remember that God is a jealous God. Get it together!

By anon67282 — On Feb 24, 2010

anon65000- Please man. you just posted a bunch of lyrics that entertainers use. Yeah, they are going to say stuff like that. It rhymes, sounds good, or helps sell music.

Rap lyrics now have no real views towards government religion or politics -- well, none of the artists you put up there do at least.

If you want to listen to rap with real meaning and culture try Immortal Technique. Also and the only reason those artists that like obama seem like they are backing is because they respected the fact that he "Said" he would help -- not that he has in any way haha.

The guy down there putting down other people's religions and ethnic back grounds, you're ignorant to think that just because we are fighting a war in the middle east that the antichrist will come from there. That's a pretty ethnocentric way of looking at things and you probably shouldn't go around saying stuff like that. It just makes you look like an idiot. Peace, easy, fresh. -Walker

By anon66978 — On Feb 22, 2010

all secret societies are a danger to freedom and world peace cause they have secret agendas-the Illuminati are linked to Hitler and Goebbels and their sympathizer lap dogs: the Rothschilds and Bushes and other European royal creeps.

By anon66428 — On Feb 19, 2010

I encourage all of you to research the truth about hip hop by looking up craig lewis. Real eye opener! I bless god for that!

By anon65000 — On Feb 10, 2010

If they don't exist and it is really all a joke explain these lyrics:

Jay z D'evils - "God lord i wonder can you save me. illuminati want my mind, soul and my body."

Amil - Quarrels (her talking about jay z) "When we was cool you used to tell me all your visions

Like how you going to rule the nations under one religion. You got this New World order, it's like a big prison."

What is this new world order that everyone is talking about?

Eminem - "This soul's escaping, through this hole that it's gaping. This world is mine for the taking. Make me king, as we move toward a new world order."

Matthew Good Band - "Just a lullaby for the new world order."

The Kovenant - "The world burns with death as a lover. It's systematic for the coming new order

I am your loving hate...This is the new world."

Gamma Ray - "This is the time of the ending.

It's the dawn of a new world order. This is a new beginning. Where a new world shall arise, we scream On the wings of yesterday you're going to die

And you know it's going to be - we're screaming.

This is illumination - we are

We are illuminates - beware

This is illumination - we are

We are illuminates"


everyone in the entertainment industry is talking bout this : beyonce, jay-z, Rhianna, Kayne West, kerli, lady gaga, eminem. they are in on this.

Open you mind. Don't leave your eyes wide shut.

By anon64626 — On Feb 08, 2010

is the government involved in the illuminati?

By anon63409 — On Feb 01, 2010

After reading through some of the attached commentary I find myself not only compelled but drawn with such intrigue I cannot refrain from conveying the following thoughts.

I have been a "Spiritual" person from birth as it is a birth right to Native American Indians and I have always been fascinated with the many different belief systems that exist. The Illuminati though, very recently public leaves much to one's imagination and curiosity.

If in fact, such degrees of humans exist with such strengths, what allows for only a percentage of the human population to be privy to such existence?

I consider myself to be one of the few enlightened people, yet the idea of masons and illuminati overwhelms me, to fathom that only a select few can reap the benefits of enlightenment.

Please someone clarify for me any sensibility in such conduct.

By anon63203 — On Jan 31, 2010

So reading these made me realize that people will try to act smart when in all actuality they know nothing.

The antichrist is not the illuminati because that would be like saying the church is jesus. I hate to say it but Christ was a living person, and the antichrist will be the polar opposite of Christ. The antichrist will be a being standing for everything that Christ opposed.

Next off what would make someone make a remark that rappers and rock stars are members of the illuminati? The illuminati is not focused on getting famous so that they are discovered. No, the illuminati is concentrated on the advancement of the human race to better the living conditions for everyone. Christians may call us satanists, but that is not the case. Call us realists.

By anon63177 — On Jan 31, 2010

What many of you aren't doing nowadays is thinking for yourselves. The answers you're looking for cannot be found by simply asking the question. You have to find the answer yourself. However, many of us will never find the answers. It is a sad fact that many things are kept secret, but all things were not meant to be shared.

By anon62664 — On Jan 27, 2010

For those of you that don't believe in the new world order, it's real just like the bible is real. and tv and movies are brainwashing all of us so we don't see the truth. just have a good clean heart and love your family and kids. god bless you all.

By anon62211 — On Jan 25, 2010

The illuminati are satanists, puppets of satan\lucifer, who claim to receive special knowledge\enlightenment from the light of lucifer\satan or "the all seeing eye." Which is why they give the word "illuminate" such a strong title. much more of a catch phrase "illuminati."

By rhein — On Jan 23, 2010

i think not all of them are scientists. Even William Shakespeare is a member of the illuminati. It is composed of authors and scientists.

By anon60980 — On Jan 17, 2010

I like it when uneducated people make ridiculous claims about religion or science, they help keep us apart and help me the devil destroy you. word up homies!

By anon60973 — On Jan 17, 2010

we are real and only the elite will know the truth. if you are not an elite then you will surely fall prey to the new system. you the people let yourselves be deceived, and put the evil system in place by choice. you never fought back and God told you this would happen. he also said that the world will worship the one who is coming willfully because they did not want to even hear the truth. neither God or Satan sends anyone to hell, only you do.

we have been persecuted for our beliefs since we started. just a question: who did Jesus say would be punished for his murder on the cross? hint three nations. hint where did the catholic church come from? last hint who made themselves to look like the christ but also had a dark age? judge by actions not words. I can say anything.

By anon60968 — On Jan 17, 2010

first of all I am Illuminati, and this crap pisses me off. all of you who have not read the bible through to completion with accurate unbiased study are nothing but out of context liars and base their lives on he said/she said garbage. this message to the atheist, now to the christians. real christians were persecuted and pushed underground.

this does not sound like any christian religion today, because they are wolves wrapped in sheep skin. it was written that many even christians will go to hell not due to a lack of faith but in fact due to a lack of knowledge, also anyone with a good heart God will save, so when they say believe and you will be saved that is an out of context lie. not just Christians will be saved. we use the bible to actually prove evolution, as well as how the universe works. an enlightened one will see that the bible actually even talks about black holes dark light and invisible energy.

so there you have it. we are the elite and that is only because we choose to be chosen, and to those that try to say god is mean and does crime himself you are my out of context adversary and you are guilty of war crimes on humanity. anyone who preaches against god whether they deceived themselves or not will be held accountable for each soul sent to hell due to your misleading them.

the bible is clearly polytheistic and God's name changes even in the same stories in the bible, and that is because Lucifer wants to look like God but not be righteous. he wants you to worship him as god so they switch places constantly and the truth is kept hidden from those that oppose God.

in Illuminati we know god and will be one with him, we will disappear when the end comes, only because we are prepared for it. you guys could learn this at anytime but you probably won't. you like what you believe and your delusional thinking has more than likely made you captive, a slave to your own ideas.

"I did not know" will not be an excuse at the end, left behind are those who followed man like dogs and make war on mankind by separating us all by putting religion and science in a separate place. they do go together and it is not easy to understand and not easy to teach, hence the truth is kept well hidden and narrow is the path and few find it even though all are called.

we will not destroy the earth like people are saying but man will in fact do it to themselves through ignorance and people who think they know the truth but have no idea what they are even saying or talking about.

God is simply truthful knowledge and any untruthful knowledge is, well, you get the picture and if you don't, nice knowing you!

By anon60170 — On Jan 12, 2010

OK if this is so how come so many great scientists and other great minds of the world have attempted to bridge the gap between science and religion? many great minds have even said that science and religion say the same thing just in a different way? that is straight out of the mouth of Galileo, one of the most innovative scientists in the world. science, in my opinion, is just a way to prove the existence of God.

and for anyone who thinks the Illuminati is satanist is just out of their minds?

there is a huge difference between what we believe as satanism today and what was satanism then?

Lucifer does not only stand for the name given to the devil but in Latin it means angel of light. Illuminati meaning the enlightened ones or bringers of light come on -- not that hard to understand.

By anon58556 — On Jan 02, 2010

i won't even attempt to even pretend that the things i have read about some potentially world wide spread group could try and create this NWO, as the world is in a crazy state as it is.

But all this business about pitting islam against christianity is wrong. i'm a christian and i know good islamic people. don't group the terrorists into the same bunch of people who are good Muslims and just blame islam for things.

As to these people that want to basically play God and worship Satan, it was God not Satan who gave you free will. Do what you will, it isn't for me to judge, but remember only God can judge you.

These lawyers and such in the justice system can be bought, but i'd like to see these rich people attempt to bribe God on Judgment day, just to see exactly what will happen to them.

By anon58236 — On Dec 31, 2009

samwise: The Illuminati are not Satanists.

We may not be Catholic, we may believe in science, but it is views like this that destroy the people. Beliefs in gods destroys the people. So does belief in Lucifer. Neither is good for us. Let us live by science, it is what has brought us this far! You believe your God created electricity? No. planet Earth did, through its own energy. There is no God and there is no Satan. There is only science.

P.S. Yes, the Illuminati do still exist, and no they do not control the banks and rappers are not the Illuminati. Those are simply myths.

By anon58093 — On Dec 30, 2009

Anon 5412, man you don't know the real meaning of islam, so stop spreading your false beliefs about us and changing them into facts. First, we don't oppose the christians. In our holy book Quran it's written so many times that we have to believe in all the prophets as much as we believe in Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and the same goes for (Prophet Jesus)(A.S) and (Prophet Moses A.S). Islam is not a new religion, it is just giving proofs about the truth of the previous religions, and it is finishing the message that started with Adam (a.s), Noah (a.s) then Jesus and Moses (A.s) and ending with Muhammad (P.b.u.h).

And islam means peace. In war we are not allowed even to break one single leaf, so those terrorists who are killing so many innocent people, can those guys belong to the same religion which does not allow us even to break a single leaf? Think about that.

By anon57413 — On Dec 22, 2009

LOL. Maybe the illuminati is running this website!

By anon57412 — On Dec 22, 2009

Illuminati spelled backward will take you to the NSA but that is probably old news. I think the antichrist is islam. I have never seen anything more opposed to Jesus Christ than islam and muslims.

The war we are fighting in the middle east is to protect us from the people that hate the U.S. and who call us the great satan... that would be islam.

I can't actually believe there is someone who knows why we have an illuminati but doesn't know why we are fighting in the middle east.

By anon57348 — On Dec 22, 2009

I see where the freemasons got the their name from, that's so funny!

By anon57338 — On Dec 22, 2009

Jesus Christ has nothing to do with the Illuminati. In fact, organized religion was created centuries ago in order to control the human mind and instill order in human behavior. By subscribing to organized religion you are dooming mankind one person at a time.

By anon57023 — On Dec 19, 2009

Every one should go back and study the book of life called the holy bible. We are not surprised with all this devilish society. It has been written in the Bible about this illuminati. they are the Anti Christ.

Jesus Christ warns us to be strong and put confidence and we should not allow any body to deceive you. Those who have ears let them hear. the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is at hand.

By anon56519 — On Dec 15, 2009

Well i believe that not only rappers are part of this illuminati thing, but also rock stars and heavy metal people, but i do believe jay z is a part of this illuminati thing.

By anon56071 — On Dec 11, 2009

Let us all remember the "Golden Rule"

Those who have the gold, rule!

By anon56042 — On Dec 11, 2009

Obama lied to us and the illuminati helped him get into office and jay z, beyonce, Rhianna and all of them are down with it. 97 percent of rappers are down with the illuminati and they are planning for a new world order that's why we need to get right with God now because we are living in revelation times!

By anon55945 — On Dec 10, 2009

After reading this i believe this makes sense. I mean if you have money and power why not have a secret society? i don't agree with their practices but i guess when you have power you get greedy and then it's too late to get out of the mess for fear you will be killed.

By anon55703 — On Dec 09, 2009

All i know whatever they are planning, Jesus Christ is the king of kings, and God is in total control. I am reminding the illuminatis to return to God.

By anon54862 — On Dec 02, 2009

They aren't scientists, they aren't your friends, either. And you don't want new world order. That's what they are calling it these days.

By anon50923 — On Nov 02, 2009

As an African, I think a new world order will begin in Africa. We have all the wealth we need and if scientists think they can change the world, then Africa has all the raw material. Need I remind you what hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki and where it came from?

By anon47183 — On Oct 02, 2009

well this is what i know and what i believe. the way the illuminati lives and survives is that they are rich, think if you follow all of the money it leads somewhere right? it all leads to the world bank. all countries are in debt and when the time comes they will call up everyone's debt and when they can't pay back the debt they will take the land and then start the plan into action and have one world order. also i don't believe it but i heard that the illuminati were reptilian people.

By anon46760 — On Sep 28, 2009

If any of you could try to figure this out yourself, The Illuminati are a group of scientists from all fields and believ everything could be figured out by using scientific methods. Most of the world's major developments have been found out by the illuminati. we plan on changing the way you see the world.

By samwise — On Sep 24, 2009

Hackers expose New World Order Illuminati "New World Order" One World Religion (Satanism) agenda: These New World Order(NWO) promoters subscribe to the notion that "Lucifer" (Satan) is the only true leader on our planet, and they are preparing for his (Lucifer`s) coming dominion on Earth by consolidating the planet into a one world government which they will then hand over to the coming "False Christ" of Biblical scripture. Incredible, but true(!) -This is why current events don't seem to make any sense from a rational point of view. Like the war on Iraq for example: People still don't know why that war occurred, but now we know. -It was all part of an ongoing "Agenda" to consolidate world power, then spring the trap of one world government and dictatorship on a war weakened general population. Obama, Bush, Kerry, Clinton, together with all of your present and previous world leaders at the top, are all hard-core satanists subscribing to the worldwide enslavement of the masses through totalitarian rule, and Satanic (Luciferian) dictatorship.

By anon43469 — On Aug 29, 2009

there are illuminati members still surviving? is it a real thing? is there a club or whatever still trying to change the world?

By anon42842 — On Aug 24, 2009

is ray macore a member of the illuminati?

By anon41985 — On Aug 18, 2009

Whether you call them the Illuminati or the Bilderbergers or the Freemasons, the "system" or "the man", it doesn't matter. Part of their agenda is to go by many names, so they can never actually be pinpointed. It is those behind the money, who truly control everything. Follow the money and find those responsible.

By anon39913 — On Aug 05, 2009

Members of the Illuminati are trained in, military, government, spiritual, scholarship, leadership and science.

By anon37321 — On Jul 18, 2009

i think the writer should re read the book. no real facts were given as to whether the group still exists. it was left hanging, though i think a lot of the issues raised are valid and the book was well researched

By anon36811 — On Jul 15, 2009

Illuminati is in angels and demons - by dan brown!

By anon32225 — On May 18, 2009

So are members of the Illuminati atheist? They do not believe in the existence of a supreme being.

By anon32169 — On May 17, 2009

are the members of illuminati all scientists? who wants change by the help of science?

Tricia Christensen
Tricia Christensen
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